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  1. MacEffects

    Global Newton Users Meetup #15

    Thanks for sharing, I'd like to join! I've wanted to do some large projects for the Newton, unfortunately demand always lacked for my grand ideas. Been tinkering again lately though and love to connect with the community.
  2. MacEffects

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    I've not heard of any complaints with the SE boards but then again they've not been selling with any level of frequncy recently. If you need a replacement, please feel free to PM me and I can get you taken care of.
  3. MacEffects

    New Injection Molded iMac G3 Inner Bezels!!

    It's live now! Save those iMac G3s! Kickstarter Link
  4. MacEffects

    Apple eMate 300 Expansion Module (Open Source / Open Hardware Project)

    I'd be keen on putting one through its paces. Would be so awesome if these work!
  5. MacEffects

    Apple Interview (1995) John Calhoun (glider fame)

    I've meet him and was actually there when that photo was taken. So cool!
  6. MacEffects

    Apple WGS 6150/66 needs some love.

    Beautiful machine! I had a new in box 6150 I regret selling years ago.
  7. MacEffects

    Everything you wanted to know about the BBU, but were afraid to ask...

    Bump - because I'd be willing to pay someone a tidy sum to analyze the gate structure of the Brainstorm BBU and help modernize it with a modern chip applicable to the SE Reloaded because it will double the system bus speed~!
  8. MacEffects

    Mac Plus floppy drive not happy

    The gears are back in stock fresh from Japan. I'll be out of town until at least Wednesday but will ship once I am back if anyone still needs Kay's gears :)
  9. MacEffects


    @ScutBoy totally agree! I was pleasantly surprised to see that everyone was masked up and respecting the rules regardless of whether the agreed. It is that kind of community respect that makes VCF fun. Everyone there is just out to have fun and share experiences. I'm already looking forward...
  10. MacEffects


    I will certainly be coming. However, I know that many have choose not to venture out which I totally respect. With situations where we have government officials shaming people for choices, right or wrong, I cannot say that I support that. I always feel that you should be the best you and do...