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    The 17" WUXGA PowerBook G4

    Sorry to thread-necro, but I'm confused about something. The Apple System Profiler screenshot says 1920×1200 at millions of colors but here, the spec sheet for the panel you said you're using says the panel is only capable of 262000 colors...
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    PC Compatibility Card freezing during Win 95 install

    would OS/2 be able to run on that card? Just asking for hypothetical reasons
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    Grail Item Acquired - Twentieth Anniversary Mac

    the flat-panel screen probably uses LVDS or some similar protocol just like the PowerBook 3400 and Kanga G3 which used the same configuration of LCD screen as the TAM
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    Grail Item Acquired - Twentieth Anniversary Mac

    and now i'm wondering if there might be an LCD panel of equal size, with compatible mounting screw-holes, of greater pixel-count that could be swapped in, and would be compatible with the motherboard's onboard signal to the stock LCD
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    IIgs Memory Expansion Slot question

    The manual for the Apple IIgs mentions something about being able to use the memory-expansion slot to expand not just the RAM, but also the ROM. Would this allow for the tools of ROM 03 to be put on a memory expansion-card along with that extra RAM?
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    Stealth IIgs question

    And can the AppleColor 100 monitor handle the output from the IIgs's RGB port?
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    17" iMac question

    Would netsrot39's upgrade to a 17" PowerBook be possible to duplicate in the display-housing of the iMac G4?
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    Apple Studio Display 15" question

    Hypothetically, would it be possible to swap the LCD panel in the original 15" Apple Studio Display with one of the same size but higher pixel-count, like what netsrot did here?
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    Stealth IIgs question

    Can the Stealth IIgs kit be installed in a “Platinum” IIe case, so as to include the numeric keypad on the built-in keyboard? In short, I'm asking if the “Stealth IIgs” baseplate is mechanically compatible with the “Platinum IIe” top-case.