
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. SasquatcherGeneral

    BlueSCSI and System Switcher basic question

    Hello! I recently bought a Mac SE (1MB with 20MB HD), which is my first compact Mac since my beloved Mac Plus back in 1989. Unfortunately, after one night setting up some BlueSCSI drives, I've accidentally turned it into a dedicated Dark Castle machine. Setting up the SD card with multiple HD...
  2. retr01

    Keystrokes for 68k and PPC Macintosh Systems

    On Boot Those keystrokes should be pressed at start-up (boot) time. All letter keys are lowercase. Mouse Button Ejects a floppy disk at startup. C Force certain Macs (PowerPC, 68030, and 68040) to startup from the CD-ROM drive instead of the internal hard drive. D Forces the internal hard disk...
  3. P

    Boot Floppy or other boot solution

    Dear tinkerers, I have a Powerbook 170 in good condition that has some boot issues. It used to boot from the internal scsi hard drive, but that has since stopped working. I would like to create a Boot floppy for the powerbook. I have a usb floppy drive that reads 1.44mb disks, and a macintosh...