
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. lilliputian

    Jaz USB Adapter

    So I've acquired a Jaz USB Adapter (very cheaply, I should add!) which came with an Iomega 25-pin SCSI adapter. Since SCSI is SCSI and USB is USB, it should work as a generic SCSI to USB adapter, no? However as a test I plugged it into my modern machine connected to a Zip 100 SCSI (with disk...
  2. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    I don't know how many people use Iomega Zip or Jaz drives with their vintage Macs, but my latest project has been to port Steve Gibson's amazing Windows 95 Zip drive and cartridge testing utility, Trouble in Paradise, to the Mac. I now have a way to test the health of my Zip drives and...
  3. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    I don't know how many people use Iomega Zip or Jaz drives with their vintage Macs, but my latest project has been to port Steve Gibson's amazing Windows 95 Zip drive and cartridge testing utility, Trouble in Paradise, to the Mac. I now have a way to test the health of my Zip drives and...