macintosh plus

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. JDW

    Axial caps NEVER need recapping?

    You'd be wrong about that. Through the years I've read many people talk about what things they THINK need recapping and what they don't. Most of that goes beyond their own personal machine usage experience and also ties in with what they read online, or more accurately, what they DON'T read...
  2. retr01

    Mac N' Frost 🥶❄️💨

    One of the lesser-known compact Mac cooling fans is called Mac N' Frost. I found the Mac N' Frost interesting compared to the more mainstream Fanny Mac and the Kensington fans for the 128k, 512k, and Plus. Introducing the Mac N' Frost! Designed by Roy Hicks and marketed by RH Electronics in...
  3. rdmark

    Mac Plus SCSI term power mod

    This is a very simple and well-known mod for the Macintosh Plus, but I haven't seen it documented on TD so here goes: The Plus does not provide termination power on the SCSI interface from the factory, but has the requisite circuitry to do so, if you add a diode to CR1 on the logic board (right...
  4. RetroTechGuy

    Strange Plus Mod?!

    I opened up this Macintosh Plus today and came across this mod - never seen it before! Anyone know what it does?
  5. keelus

    [Mac Plus] Help with my RAM error code.

    Hello :giggle:! A few weeks ago I posted here asking for help with my Mac Plus. I fixed the error by replacing the U3 Optocoupler with a 4N35. Now, everytime I turn it on, my Mac Plus does the chime sound, gives video, and displays the sad face (althought, sometimes displays a few random lines...
  6. keelus

    Help with capacitor compatibility

    Hello! I have a Macintosh Plus and as you recommended me, I'm gonna recap the analog board. I'm trying to buy them in local shops (digikey,mouser, etc, have like +20€ shipping only, to Spain). But I'm having some trouble finding some specific capacitors. For some capacitors, can I buy them with...
  7. keelus

    Need help with my Macintosh Plus

    Hello there! A few days ago I got a Mac Plus for like 40€, but it's not working (I knew that when buying it). I've been looking in this and other forums, videos, manuals, and I can't really find the issue. This is what my Mac Plus is doing: Normally, i press turn on button, and theres no chime...
  8. 68kPlus

    [Solved] Slow SPI (Half Speed) BlueSCSI DB25

    (Also posted on 68kMLA) Hi everyone, I received my BlueSCSI recently from Bruce at RecapAMac in Australia, and I found that no matter what SD card I use, it always seems to run in half SPI speed (25MHz). While the speed difference isn't noticeable according to the creator of the BlueSCSI, it...
  9. vorg

    Macintosh "Minus" Case model (STL sized for mm; 5 inch CRT) / Mac Plus "shell" STLs.

    Check my Mac Minus thread to see what the heck this is about, but I finally published the main components of the V2 case:
  10. retr01

    Bringing the Internal SCSI drive to the 128k, 512k, and Plus

    Overview The Mac 128k, 512k, and Plus did not have an internal SCSI connector on the mobo. Yet, back in the day, there were solutions. Now, I think there is a great potential to bring that back to use SCSI drives inside those older compact Macs. :) This thread will be the discussion and...
  11. wottle

    Diagonal lines on Macintosh Plus (Solved)

    I was running a longer duration test of my Mac Plus (with 030 accelerator) and came back into the room to find the picture was gone and replaced with diagonal lines and the image was stretched beyond the edges of the CRT. I tested my voltages and they are stable and within spec on 12.0v and...
  12. P

    Macintosh Plus 2MB Bluescsi troubles

    Dear Tinkerers, I've recently bought a Bluescsi for my Macintosh Plus. However, Every disk image I could find online for the mac plus was System 7.0 and up. (system 7 and up requires 4MB of ram) My mac plus has only 2mb ram installed. I was able to get it running on 7.5.5 but now I have less...
  13. rjkucia

    Buying a Mac Plus - Where to Start?

    Hi all, I'm going to pick up this Macintosh Plus locally for $40: I asked for some pictures of the battery compartment because I've heard those can leak and have issues, but it looks like there's just general...
  14. Stephen

    Compact Mac Video Adapter

    Some time in 1988, a small company created a video output adapter for early compact macs with the model number 2702. There are other models, but the focus of my post is on this adapter. I can only assume they were a small company with a handful of employees because later the following year they...
  15. larbob

    Macintosh Plus and M0110A woes

    I picked up a Macintosh Plus from VCFMW and have finally gotten around to testing the thing out properly. I have it booting off of a Floppy Emu with System 7.1 and 6.0.8 and am using a Kensington Turbo Mouse Plus with success. I finally got around to scrounging cable for the M0110A keyboard, but...
  16. larbob

    System 7.0.1 and 7.1 on the Plus

    On my Mac Plus, I have System 6.0.8, 7.0.1, and 7.1 System Folders and switch using System Picker. I have Desktop Mgr installed in order to avoid rebuilding the desktop file each time. However, at the stage of boot where the menu bar (no options on the menubar), mouse, and background are...