macintosh portable

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. blackdogvintagecomputers

    Need schematics for IIci, SE30 and Portable

    I need schematics or matrix's I have seen used by many of you to troubleshoot broken traces. I have a IIci that gives sad Mac, portable with non-working SCSI and SE30 crashes on making sound. Any info to help troubleshoot these issues is appreciated Roger
  2. blackdogvintagecomputers

    Macintosh Portable

    This is photo from Mac Portable non-backlight. Trying to recap and repair the traces. I noticed the 2 tinned traces coming from R22 show continuity across R22 resister. Should they show continuity? What is likely causing that if not?
  3. JDW

    MANUAL for MacEffects RAM Card for Mac Portable M5120 & M5126

    MacEffects once sold an 8MB RAM Card for the Macintosh Portable. TechKnight did the original design and licensed it to MacEffects for mass distribution. That card went out of stock around 2021, and due to chip sourcing issues, it probably won't be in stock in the future. Some people who...
  4. wottle

    Case for Androda's Mac Portable VGA Adapter

    Since I didn't learn my lesson about my terrible design skills while trying to build a universal laptop power adapter, I recently ordered one of @Androda's Portable VGA adapters and thought, "I probably should cover this up before I damage it and short out something important". So I build a...
  5. JDW

    MacTest 2.0 for 5126 now on Macintosh Garden

    We previously only had the French version of MacTest 2.0 on the Garden. And while I certainly have nothing against that language, it's not my native tongue, so I prodded the gang over on FaceBook and one kind soul whipped it out of his collection and uploaded it today. It's DL#3 here...
  6. JDW

    How to de-yellow the SPACEBAR

    I deyellowed my Mac Portable's spacebar using this: • 3% H2O2 (normal drug store kind) • 1 teaspoon Oxiclean (boosts the H2O2 slightly) • Small transparent plastic container. • SaranWrap (as a cover to prevent evaporation) • Aluminum Foil (place shiny side up, under the container) • Two angled...
  7. JDW

    Portable SLEEPS even when it shouldn't? [SOLVED]

    Okay, fellow Macintosh Portable owners... I've got a question for you. Mine is a 5126 Backlit model. As we all know, the Portable has a 2-minute Sleep timer active by default, but in theory at least, you can tell it not to sleep. When running System 7.1, the "Portable" control panel has been...
  8. JDW

    Replacing the soft square CUSHIONS under Spacebar

    Below are photos of my 5126 Macintosh Portable's Keyboard with ALPS ivory switches. (Closeup photos below show more yellow than reality. They are ivory.) Note the SQAURE PADS on either side under the spacebar. The ends of that metal support bar hit the pad rather than smack the metal frame...
  9. JDW

    Macintosh Portable 5120 SCHEMATIC

    Although this schematic set only covers the non-backlit 5120, much is similar to the 5126. For example, the audio section matches my 5126 Portable quite well. The Hybrid section is of course different. To download, click the blue button in the upper right corner.
  10. JDW

    Macintosh Portable: "pop" noise every 10s from Speaker & Headphones

    NOTE! The motherboard has been ultrasonic cleaned, recapped, traces repaired, and cleaned again via ultrasonic. The Apple AC Power Adapter I am using has also been cleaned, recapped, and cleaned again. PROBLEM: I'm hearing a soft pop sound from the speaker every 10 seconds when my 5126 Backlit...
  11. Androda

    Tech by Androda Products

    With the Vendors section going away, this thread will serve several purposes: * Reference to my store's URL * New product announcements * Product Suggestions * Product Support Tech by Androda, LLC website link This is my side business / hobby company dedicated toward trying to solve problems...
  12. M

    Macintosh Portable & Powerbook 100 power adapter bench

    Online, you can find a lot of discussions related to what power brick to use with Macintosh Portable (the original is M5136 7.5V 1.5A), if it has to be exactly 1.5A or can be more and if it’s worth recapping the power supplies. I decided to at least somehow help in those discussions with...
  13. M

    Mac Portable battery charger tray

    I happen to own three Macintosh Portables and I was looking for a way to charge their batteries every now and then, without unpacking the computers from their safe storage. In short, I needed an external charger for Mac Portable batteries. Today, I would like to share my design of a 3d-printed...
  14. JDW

    GOTCHAS when buying a Macintosh Portable?

    I am curious what issues people need to be aware of when buying a Macintosh Portable, especially the backlit model (5126). I realize Portables won't power on without a good battery, but new batteries like this are sold on EBAY. Maybe some of you can share experiences with those. I also realize...
  15. Androda

    Interest Poll: Macintosh Portable RAM Cards

    I am in process of working on a 7 megabyte Macintosh Portable RAM Card. It works in my test Portable, and I've sent one off to be tested in a Backlit portable. For me it has booted System 6.0.8, passed the Snooper RAM test, and plays games like Tetris and Risk with no issues. Why 7 megabytes...
  16. P

    Macintosh Portable SCSI adapter

    One page document showing the pin layout for easily fabricating a 34 pin to 50 pin SCSI adapter for the Mac Portable.
  17. Androda

    Recreating Macintosh Portable Hybrid Module

    In keeping with my latest string of recreations, here's another one. I am working on recreating the 'hybrid module' from the non-backlit macintosh portable because these tend to die and do stupid things thanks to capacitor fluid damage or the coating cracking off of the high precision...
  18. Androda

    Recreating Backlit Macintosh Portable Display Flex Cables

    Hello everyone, As we all know, flex cables for a variety devices are starting to get a little bit creaky and in many cases have cracked. Great examples of these are display cables for the Macintosh Backlit Portable, PowerBooks, and the eMate 300 (though in the eMate's case it's because of a...