
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. penguin86

    BlueSCSI not playing nicely with Powerbook 170

    Hello, complete SCSI noob here... I'm in the process of restoring a Powerbook 170. Two years ago I've got a BlueSCSI v1.1 (the STM BluePill based one) from Joe's Computer museum but I never managed to make it work. The bluescsi is the internal one, with the 2,5" SCSI connector, this one...
  2. wottle

    Best long term solution for powering portables

    I just finished re-celling a few iBook G3 battery packs. While this will allow me to use them without being plugged in, and it certainly maximizes the portable nature of these machines, I had a couple thoughts: 1. I do have concerns about the safety of home built packs. I read up on it, bought...
  3. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook LCD Part Number List

    Note: This resource has been mirrored here from a page on my website. I'll try to keep this page up to date, but if I forget, the most up to date version will be the one on my website. Link: https://macdat.net/macintosh/powerbook/general/powerbooklcdindex.html PowerBook LCD Part Number/Info...
  4. P

    PowerBook G4 Titanium DVI

    Hi All, I recently scored a wonderful PB Ti 1 GHz, top specs (1 GHz, Radeon 64), complete with everything, down to the plastic wraps. I am glad I could reacquaint with this ultra-cool machine, as it reminds me of when I was (well… twenty years) younger and I used to own a wonderful 667 DVI...
  5. iPodGuru

    Recently bought a PowerBook G4 (Aluminum) and want to make it useable

    So as the title suggests it’s my first time with a PPC computer. Now I’ve had a iBook before but I later sold it and got a MacBook. But that’s not why we are here I currently have the latest version of Firefox which is enough for me but some website seem to not like it and refuse it’s...
  6. Astal

    PowerBook 604e "Mainstreet"

    Well mad science continues... I've ordered a Mainstreet CPU card and plan on making a 604e card because I am insane. There's two BGA memory footprints on the card which I'm assuming hook up to the MPC106EC controller (with an L2 cache controller on it), so I will be trying to upgrade cache on...
  7. retr01

    Connecting SCSI devices and using SCSI Target Mode for PowerBooks

    Introduction All PowerBook models released up to and including the PowerBook G3 (Bronze keyboard) include an external SCSI port except the PowerBook Duo 200 series. The PowerBook Duo must be connected to a dock of some kind to have a physical SCSI port (SCSI Disk Mode is only supported with the...
  8. Astal

    Does anyone know the PLL configurations for these Macs?

    Hello! I am looking to see if anyone knows the PLL config for the iBook G3 (Clamshell or Snow), and PowerBook G3 Wallstreet, PDQ, Lombard, and Pismo, iBook G4, PowerBook G4 (TiBook or Al)? I'm looking for this information, and if anyone could point me the right way that would be great.
  9. yomatiase

    LCD Screen replacement for Powerbook 100

    I have a pristine powerbook 100 but the screen is dead. I found two sites that offer the part Do you have any references of this sites? https://www.elecok.com/lm64p791-sharp-10-4-lcd.html http://www.displaysscreen.com/original-lm64p791-sharp-screen-104-640480-lm64p791-display-p-4723.html...
  10. Elemenoh

    PowerBook 5300c Recapping Guide

    The PowerBook 5300c has three circuit boards with electrolytic capacitors. The locations and specs may vary in other models such as the 5300ce and 5300cs. Location(s) Capacitance Voltage Pads (edge to edge) SMD Size Recommendation Notes INVERTER BOARD C3 10uF 50V 9.5mm C (6mm L)...
  11. Mac84

    PowerBook 5300cs Color LCD Recapping Guide (for Torisan model displays)

    I have two PowerBook 5300 / 5300cs series machines and sadly they are both not in the best shape. While trying to fix them up I removed the LCD screen and took note of the capacitors to make this guide. The PowerBook 5300 series shpped with a few different LCD panels, but even similar models may...