
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Mac84

    Recreating the Mac's CUDA / EGRET microcontroller chips - can it be done?

    Hello all, As someone who repairs a lot of systems, the CUDA / EGRET microcontroller chip is one of those pieces that is getting harder and harder to replace. It would be amazing if these chips could be replaced by a modern solution so we can save more 68k / PowerPC Macs! I was doing some...
  2. Androda

    Looking for flex cables to recreate

    Flex cables in the Atari Portfolio (hinge), PowerBooks (display, SCSI), and many other systems are wearing out, cracking, and becoming unusable. I'm looking for dead flex cables to recreate, basically. There's no guarantee that all possible designs can be recreated, given connector...
  3. Androda

    Recreating Backlit Macintosh Portable Display Flex Cables

    Hello everyone, As we all know, flex cables for a variety devices are starting to get a little bit creaky and in many cases have cracked. Great examples of these are display cables for the Macintosh Backlit Portable, PowerBooks, and the eMate 300 (though in the eMate's case it's because of a...
  4. Kai Robinson

    4MB Macintosh II & IIx 30-pin SIMM's

    Project spearheaded by Phil Cranmer - I just did the Sprint Layout - the following is Phil's writeup While the Macintosh II and IIx were designed with sufficient address lines to handle up to 128MB of RAM in two banks of 4 SIMMs (giving a total of 8 slots), standards for DRAM chip design...
  5. Kai Robinson

    Logic Board - Macintosh Classic Reloaded

    As with the Macintosh SE, many Classic's have died because of Apple's short sighted decision to add a battery to the board - and unfortunately a particularly explosive one at that! This will inevitably pop and causes a horrific amount of damage. Thankfully, because i've done this before, with...
  6. Kai Robinson

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    So many classic macs, starting with the SE, have died because of Apple's short sighted decision to add a battery to the board. This inevitably leaks and causes a horrific amount of damage. Luckily - most of the custom chips survive even this, so I decided to make a near 1:1 reproduction of the...