
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. T

    Apple IIgs RGBtoHDMI Soldering Diagram

    These are screenshots from Mr Lurch's Things video on hooking up an RGBtoHDMI to an Apple IIgs, where he clearly shows and labels what pins from the RGBtoHDMI will need to be soldered to on the IIgs motherboard. While this is documented on the RGBtoHDMI Github wiki, these screenshots provide a...
  2. Stephen

    Mac 128k/512k/Plus Logic Board Cable to ATX (Video + Audio)

    I do a little bit of work on compact mac logic boards and found I needed a convenient way to power them up and get video without fussing with a case, so I made this adapter which allows me to use an ATX power supply and an RGBtoHDMI. Referring to the schematics for the 512k, you will see the...
  3. Stephen

    Mac 128K Logic Board (Fault Finding)

    I purchased this Mac 128k logic board knowing it wasn't working. I've poked at it a little over the last 6 months, which includes: Building a 4164 DRAM tester and testing the original DRAM. I found 2 were faulty but ended up replacing them all. Swapping the LS166 @ F14 & F15 (example board...