
  1. retr01

    Adding the Mac Mini G4 to the collection 😁

    So, I picked up a Mac Mini G4 for a good deal. It is a base 1.25 GHz model with 1 GB of DDR SDRAM, Pioneer DVD-R/CD-RW, and Samsung 128 GB SSD. The solid-state volume is divided into equal partitions for macOS 9.2.2 and OS X 10.4 Tiger. :D(y) And yes, the Mac Mini G4 can boot macOS 9 natively...
  2. rebornjumpman

    AppleWorks 6 with Rosetta is Being Weird

    I've read elsewhere on the interwebs that you should be able to install and run AppleWorks 6, or most any other PPC software, on an Intel Mac up to Lion with Rosetta. Things I've seen specifically reference AppleWorks working in this way including the installer. However, this 2006 Mac Pro I...