
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Mu0n

    MIDI out setter for Modern Windows

    Original link to the utility here: You're running Windows beyond Vista? You miss being able to set the MIDI mapper output like we used to nearly 17 years ago? If you can't, you're stuck with the software rendering of MIDI that is by...
  2. XodiumLabs

    The Windows 98 Tualatin Build...with SATA, of course (and how I did it)

    Right, been meaning to document this. The Premise To keep it simple, three things aligned to make this all happen. 1. I wanted to play some SimCity 2000, with cheats, and the Mac OS version's cheats suck. 2. I had recently been to a local's house and acquired some 98-era video cards that I...
  3. Stinkerton18

    Bootable DOS Tools CD - Review/update tools and functionality list

    Hey fellow PC users! A long time ago, two decades at this point, I took the time to put together a bootable CD with the world's most convoluted series of nested DOS config.sys/autoexec.bat menus to get access to some commonly used utilities, speed up loading an OEM install of...
  4. Slimes

    How to swap CMD and Option on Windows Keyboards (Classic Mac OS)

    How to Swap CMD and Option in Classic Mac OS so you can use Windows keyboards. First make a duplicate of the original System Suitcase in the System folder. Open a copy of the System Suitcase with ResEdit, and find the KMAP resources. Open it with a double-click. Find ID of 2 and double-click...