After having a broken gear for the above eject motor and not able to find a gear for it, I set out to make my own. First CAD design and first endeavor into 3D printing as I just received my Anycubic Photon Mono 4K. A fellow member of @mitchkramez stepped in to help with the details as I am new to CAD. After a few days of emails and samples, we are releasing the gear STL file for the benefit of the community. Here is the file and some pictures of the gear. Anyone wanting to make modifications, contact me and will send the source files as I used freeCAD and @mitchkramez used Fusion360. I used the tough resign and the only setting I changed on ChituBox is the exposure time to 3.5. As I said, I am new to CAD and 3D printing so I open this up to input from the experts.