4MB Macintosh II & IIx 30-pin SIMM's

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Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK

Project spearheaded by Phil Cranmer - I just did the Sprint Layout - the following is Phil's writeup

While the Macintosh II and IIx were designed with sufficient address lines to handle up to 128MB of RAM in two banks of 4 SIMMs (giving a total of 8 slots), standards for DRAM chip design changed between the design of these computers and the release of the first 4MB DIMMs causing issues. Additionally, both the Mac II and IIx have a number of other RAM oddities.

Both require either a replacement 32bit Clean ROM, or the "MODE32" extension to address more than 8MB of RAM. Additionally, the II also needs a PMMU to be able to address more than 8MB of memory. If using the original Mac II ROM and the MODE32 software, the II is then to 68MB of RAM (1MB SIMMs in Bank A and 16MB in Bank B) due to additional issues with the ROM. The Mac II can address the full 128MB of RAM if ROMs from a Mac IIx are swapped in.

Regarding changes to the DRAM chip standards, one specific change meant that a while in 1MB SIMMs, the WE signal was "don't care" during a CAS before RAS (CBR) refresh, on larger SIMMs, a test mode was added which would be triggered when the WE signal was held low during the CBR refresh.

This means that placing a conventional 30Pin SIMM in a II or IIx causes the RAM to almost instantly go into the test mode, become unresponsive, and the computer fails to boot, instead triggering a "death chime".

Manufacturers of SIMMs for the Macintosh realised that they could avoid this by capturing the refresh signals as they came onto the SIMM and applying additional logic through the use of a PAL (Programmable Array Logic) chip, designed to ensure that the specific circumstances did not occur. Later again, it was realised that this could be simplified through careful timing to a minimal circuit by using a single 4 gate "OR" chip (74F32).

The PCB described within is for a 4MB SIMM, using these (and all the other software and ROM changes required to fully take advantage of larger SIMMS), it is possible to extend the RAM of a II or IIx to 32MB - helpfully more than the 8MB ceiling caused by the use of normal 30 pin SIMMs!

To assemble, you will require -​
  • 4x PCBs.
  • 32x MT4C1004 Memory chips (or equivalent - take care with equivalents).
  • 36x 1210 220nF Capacitors - the height of these is critical. Buy an excess and only use the parts which are 0.6mm or less.
  • 4x 74F32 logic chips.
Assembly is self explanatory, but difficult. The capacitors must be perfectly flat and reflow soldering is recommended for the RAM chips as there is insufficient room to easily get a soldering iron between the two ranks of chips (although it is possible, but you can't see what you're doing at all!).

Files are available on GitHub here: https://github.com/kr239/Macintosh-IIx-RAM-SIMM under a NON-COMMERCIAL LICENSE!

Good luck. Let us know how it goes!​
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Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
Awesome! I can finally get more than 8mb in my IIx. I should have everything needed in stock too, just have to add some of these PCB's to my next order with JLC :)
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Kay K.M.Mods

Active Tinkerer
Sep 23, 2021
It's a really great project👏
We can see 4MB SIMM projects on Github, but some of them have problems with Mac II.
By the way, I want to use IIx ROM for II. Is there any file that separates it?
I searched for it before, but when I tried to separate it in C I got an error.
I'm not very familiar with it, so I don't have much myself :ROFLMAO:

It was a while ago when I tried to make a Classic 2 rom, but I used GCC on an OS X terminal.


Oct 22, 2021
Does anyone sell 4 or 16 meg PAL simms for the II/IIx? I don't have the soldering skills to assemble one on my own.