Advice for removing a vintage LCD screen cover...


New Tinkerer
Sep 27, 2022
So I took my original NEC Ultralite out of storage the other day, and decided to open it up for the first time to see what was going on with the hinge - there was a clear gap at the back when it was closed, which isn't good.

Sure enough, part of the plastic that holds the top cover to the bottom case, and holds the hinge mechanism, had broken right off. In this photo, the grey plastic is the top cover (sticking up in the air), black is the LCD assembly (laying down on its back on my workbench), and the white pin is part of the hinge. The white pin is supposed to be held in place by this plastic and the one on the other side, and the screen rotates around it.


I'd really like to separate the top cover so I can attempt a proper repair (without gluing the hinge in position accidentally), but in order to get it free, the hinge needs to be detached from the LCD cover. Unfortunately, it's held in by screws that are UNDERNEATH the plastic screen cover. I can get a pick underneath the cover, but it's held in place by *something* along the left and right edges, and partially along the top - probably double-sided tape of some kind, or adhesive?

Any advice on how to remove the plastic screen cover without damaging it, so I can detach the hinge? Should I apply heat to encourage any adhesive to let go? I have a hot air reflow station, so I can be fairly precise with temperature and targeting.


New Tinkerer
Sep 27, 2022
I ended up warming a hot/cold pack to about 45-50°C and leaving it on the screen for a few minutes. This helped convince the ancient double-sided tape holding the screen cover on to let go. Currently rebuilding the broken plastic and lubricating the hinge spring.