Any interest in Palm Pilots?

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Aug 30, 2022
The 690 was a lot better than the 680, but on the whole I wasn't impressed with CE. I did land a verrrry interesting CE device recently, however. More when it arrives.

I do have one of the MIPS IBM WorkPads (see ). The keyboard, once I fixed it, is great, and it's probably the most practical CE device I've used, but the NEC MIPS CPU is sluggish. Sure pretty though.


New Tinkerer
Dec 12, 2023
I've got one of those! (Jornada 680) Running the JLime Linux distro off a 1g sd card. It's interesting since it uses an unusual CPU, the SH3, little brother to the SH4 that the Sega Dreamcast uses. There were a lot of Windows CE devices that used this CPU, but little else.
Anybody else have a Tapwave Zodiac? Way ahead of its time. It's even got (probably extremely primitive) 3d accelerator.

One thing I never got around to...and still meaning to if I find the uCLinux on Palm. It's a very very cut down version of Linux. No gui, I think only a terminal via serial.


And...while we're at it...if anyone else is interested in coding for the Palm using CodeWarrior, drop me a line. I used to do a lot back in the day, and have been meaning to get back into it. I've been doing a lot of m68k Mac coding recently...and having some fun with the challenges of fitting into the limitations of such "small" systems.


Aug 30, 2022
I like NetBSD more on the J690. I always thought the SuperH should have done better in the market. They're surprisingly nice to program.

I've toyed with getting a Zodiac, but the sellers generally want stupid money, and I'm not *that* interested.

For my Palm development, I usually crossbuild with gcc, or write directly in Plua.


New Tinkerer
Dec 12, 2023
In some ways the SuperH was ahead of its time. It has the "compressed" 16 bit opcodes not unlike thumb for arm.

Dang! I totally forgot that "NetBSD runs on EVERYTHING"! Do you like it? I've never tried except on intel boxes...and struggled to get it going on a PowerBook 180, but couldn't get the install/format/partition steps right. I was using an old version in the hopes it would squeeze into the limited memory. My next step is to install it on an external scsi drive using a quadra 800 and then boot the PowerBook off that...probably should have better luck.

I looked into gcc for Palm but since I had bought CodeWarrior Palm and was familiar with it on Macs and Windows didn't go too far. I liked the gui designer.


Aug 30, 2022
Seems to work very well on it. My NetBSD systems are a IIci, a Q605, a G4 mini, an RPi and the Jornada (I also have it on a card for my MIPS WorkPad but I usually run it in WinCE), so I have a long history with it. In general I like the BSDs more as servers, and the J690 is indeed just that, a microserver I bring along for demonstrations.


New Tinkerer
Dec 12, 2023
Sure would be cool if a "nommu" version of NetBSD could be ported to Palm, eh?

That'd only be for the m68k Palms, of course...the ARM based ones could run the full kernel! I did some work way back on getting Linux to run on the Dell Axim x3 (I won one in a raffle) and figuring out the GPIO's was a pain, never finished. If any of the ARM Palms had hardware similar enough would be technically possible. It looks like they have it running only on StrongArm/PXA, a Palm using that (as opposed to the OMAP ones) would be a target...but a major challenge figuring out the hardware. Or maybe a rump kernel?

Browsing the source of this would be a start...whereever it is:

Have you tried NetBSD on Dreamcast?
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