Anyone have experience with the ATTiny RTC Module?

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Nov 27, 2022
Hey folks,
I'm trying to wrap up the repair on my Battery Bombed SE/30 board but I need some assistance please.
I picked up a ATTiny RTC Module for the SE/30 from the CayMacVintage store and I want to make sure I'm putting in the board the right way. Is it safe to assume that the pin 1 mark on the actual chip needs to be facing the PDS slot? the PCB doesn't have a clear indicator for pin 1 so I just want to make sure this is not a bad assumption on my part.


Nov 27, 2022
By the looks of the photo, the pin1 indicator on the chip is traced to the square pad solder pin (all the other pads are round) on the top left (left photo), indicating pin1.
Well I put it in as it would seem to be indicated and it doesn't work :(
If it's in the SE30 stops booting from SCSI If I put the real chip back in it boots from SCSI just fine. I know it doesn't need the oscillator to function but would leaving the oscillator in place stop the new replacement from working?

Not sure what is going on there; I guess I'll order a battery holder and just go with the original RTC since this replacement is cooperating.
Nov 27, 2022
If you have two oscillators operating at the same time, I think you would definitely have a problem.
Well I left it in there because the only image I can find of a ATTiny installed on a SE/30 board still has the oscillator in place next to the RTC


I could try removing it I guess.


Feb 7, 2023
I've assembled a few of these RTCs. Orienting them is a bit of a problem, pin 1 (with the square pad) faces the PDS slot. I've applied a stripe of white paint to the edge of my PCBs to aid with this.

The oscillator can remain on the board, but you *must* remove the PRAM battery if it's fitted.

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 01.22.18.png
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Nov 27, 2022
I've assembled a few of these RTCs. Orienting them is a bit of a problem, pin 1 (with the square pad) faces the PDS slot. I've applied a stripe of white paint to the edge of my PCBs to aid with this.

The oscillator can remain on the board, but you *must* remove the PRAM battery if it's fitted.

View attachment 17653
Well the good news is this was a battery bombed board so there is no PRAM battery (or even battery holder at this point lol). I definitely had the chip in the right orientation but any time it's inserted I get no SCSI. Replace it with a real chip and I have SCSI again. Guess I'll need to reach out to CayMacVintage and say my chip isn't working :(