Apple ][ July: Help Me Make It A Thing!


TinkerDifferent Board DoP&G
Staff member
Oct 28, 2021
Central Virginia
Kansas Fest happens in July, and what better lead-up to that event is there than a Month to celebrate the Apple ][, including it's clones and related cousins (the Apple I and the Apple ///) on social media?

I can't think of a better way, either!

So let's figuratively blow-up social media and our blogs with cool Apple ][-related content this month! It's Apple ][ July!

What Counts?
Anything related to the Apple ][-series (including the Apple ][, Apple ][+, Apple //e, Apple //c, and Apple IIgs), along with any of said systems. The //e card for Macintosh LC computers is fair game. And because they're cousins, Apple I and Apple /// content is allowed, too.

How do I participate?
Just your posts with #apple2july, and feel free to post a reply on this thread to help others find your video/pictures/post. It's that easy!

Do I have to make a video?
No. If you want to post pictures to Flickr, write a blog post, make an audio-only podcast, or even just Tweet about your Apple][, it all counts! Just tag it with the #apple2july hashtag so others can find it!

Do I have to be attending Kansas Fest to participate?
Nope. Though I'd be remiss if I didn't mention there is a virtual option again this year, and I am going to do that as my schedule allows.

Are there any graphic assets I can use?
Not yet. However, if you're graphically inclined and want to make one so the community can use it, feel free!

Any other questions?
I'm sure I missed something, so feel free to ask here or send me a DM.


TinkerDifferent Board DoP&G
Staff member
Oct 28, 2021
Central Virginia
Which, to start us off with the content, I have done two live streams so far on my Franklin Ace clones.

Computerized Start™: It's Apple ][ July; Send In The Clones! Inspecting My Franklin Ace 1000, 500!

Computerized Start™ Live: Repairing the Franklin Ace 1000's Keyboard for Apple ][ July!