BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

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New Tinkerer
Mar 8, 2024
I recently inherited what appears to be a fully functional Performa 6360, and am trying to replace the internal hard drive with an external v2 BlueSCSI. I'm a first-time BlueSCSI owner, so I'm hoping I'm just making a n00b mistake with the configuration, but the 6360 refuses to boot from the micro SD card. I created the .hda file using Disk Jockey, specifying the 6360 configuration option and setting the image to HD0 (and including the ROM drive), and then installing OS 7.6.1 using Sheepshaver 2.5 (if it matters, I'm on a 2019 MacBook Pro running OS 14.3). I also made a folder with CD-ROM images, CD1. My SD card content looks like this:

HD00_512 Performa 6360 1200MB.hda

When I boot using shft-opt-cmd-del to bypass the internal drive, I just get the "?" Mac icon. The blue power LED is on on the BlueSCSI, but there are no other LEDs indicating errors.

Is the 6360 just not compatible with the BlueSCSI? Is my BlueSCSI a dud? Assuming nothing's broken, what am I doing wrong?


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
I'd suggest you start with the Trouble Shooting guide first to rule out any of the simple things.

If the internal HDD works then you can always just boot up and see if you see the BlueSCSI drive as well.


Jan 8, 2024
If your problem is the same as the one I had once before, then use those blank images provided on the troubleshooting page, install your OS to the blank with an emulator like basilisk 2 or whatnit and use that.


Nov 29, 2021
Charlottesville, VA
I just tried my BlueSCSI v2 external DB-25 with my Performa 6360 and it worked fine. Absolutely could be another issue uncovered by the above mentioned troubleshooting steps but are you sure you have v2?

I only ask because I was never able to get my BlueSCSI v1 external DB-25 to work with that machine (or my PM 4400 or Umax C500). That's never been a big deal for me as I tend to use my BlueSCSI's on my pre PowerPC Macs. My external v1 works fine with my older Macs and even my PM 6500 so my completely unscientific guess is that it could be something with the SCSI setup of Alchemy & Tanzania architecture based PPC Macs.
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New Tinkerer
Mar 8, 2024
Thanks to all of you for replying. Along with the Performa 6360, I also have a fully functional Mac SE (dual floppy) I used for testing -- I've never gotten the SE to boot off the BlueSCSI, either. It took me a while to run through everyone's suggestions (my vintage collection is at my office, and I mostly work from home), but here are my results on both machines:
  • I haven't been able to update the firmware as yet -- my micro-USB-->USB-A cables are MIA.
  • I tried booting BlueSCSI with an RPi power supply, and it was unrecognized. The blue power light is on, and the micro SD LED flashes quickly, but that's it -- I still only get the question mark Mac icon of doom.
  • I removed all the files and folders from the SD card except the .hda file, and the BlueSCSI was still unrecognized.
  • No other SCSI devices are plugged into either the 6360 or SE, so that doesn't seem to be an issue.
  • My external BlueSCSI model lacks jumpers, so I'm unable to configure anything -- that includes anything regarding SCSI termination. I'm assuming termination is built-in.
  • Both the 6360 and SE are compatible with BlueSCSI without needing to jump through hoops according to the docs.
  • The disk images I used should be formatted correctly since I was using Disk Jockey's pre-configured images.
  • Both the OS installs I made using Sheepshaver and the verified working premade images linked to from the BlueSCSI docs page failed to be recognized on either machine.
  • When I boot the 6360 off the internal hard drive, it does not see the BlueSCSI drive on the desktop.
  • I'm almost positive the BlueSCSI I own is v2. I mean, that was what I specifically ordered, and the included RPi board is a Pico W. I don't see a version label on the BlueSCSI board itself, but I would think the Pico W would be a giveaway that that is what I have here.
Unless the firmware is the issue, at this point I'm pretty sure the BlueSCSI is defective; I'm almost at a complete loss with this thing. I formatted the SD card with macOS's Disk Utility using a GUID partition map and ExFAT, and just left the volume name as "Untitled." Could any of those things be causing conflicts with the BlueSCSI board?


New Tinkerer
Mar 8, 2024
Alright, I managed to find a data-friendly micro-USB cable and updated the firmware to v2024.02.22. I followed the docs for the USB install method. The board mounted on the desktop just fine, when I dropped the .uf2 file on the board it ejected as described, but the RPi LED adjacent to the USB port began flashing green non-stop. No idea what that means, if anything -- the docs don't mention that happening.

One thing I left out before: the micro SD card I'm using is an 8GB Transcend Premium.

Newly updated firmware in place, I inserted my SD card into the BlueSCSI, plugged in the BlueSCSI to the USB power cable (which caused the green LED next to the USB port to flash three times), and plugged the device into the 6360. I first tried booting from the internal drive to see if the SD card mounted on the desktop -- nope. I then forced the computer to boot from the SCSI port, and got nothing but the question mark Mac icon yet again.

Since the 6360 install failed, I tried the BlueSCSI out on the SE using the updated firmware and the OS 6.0.8 .hda file from the Mega archive. No love there either. I plugged the power cable into the BlueSCSI (the green LED by the USB port flashed three times and stopped just as with the 6360), plugged the BlueSCSI into the SE, switched it on, and got the question mark of death again. I lack an adapter to daisy-chain the BlueSCSI to the external hard drive I currently have connected to the SE so I can't check to see if the SD card mounts on the desktop, but given the 6360's behavior I doubt it would work as well.

The basic problem seems to be that the BlueSCSI is not recognizing any hard drive images on the SD card, although it can at least tell there's a card inserted. Having gone through all the troubleshooting steps, is there anything else I can try to get this thing to work or am I just out of luck?


New Tinkerer
Mar 8, 2024
Honestly, I have no idea where log files are supposed to be located. If they're supposed to be visible on the SD card, the only thing I see when I plug it into my MacBook Pro is the .hda file, nothing else. If they're supposed to be written to the BlueSCSI, I didn't see a log file after plugging in the board to the MacBook to run the firmware update, either.


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
The log file is just on the root of the SD card. If it is not being written to that would be odd - Does your SD card have a "lock" slider on the side? Some SD cards have this to write lock them.

Can you take a screen shot of the root of the SD card?

If you are comfortable with the CLI or following some CLI instructions I can have you hook up and log the Serial output (would be the same as the log, but since we cant get a log, this would be the only way to see whats going on)

Lastly I assume you've tried other SD cards correct?


New Tinkerer
Mar 8, 2024
The micro SD card lacks a lock as far as I can tell -- even if it has one, I've been copying files back and forth on it during troubleshooting so it can't be in write-only mode.

Here's a screenshot of the card's root (not much to see since there's just the .hda on it):

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 11.06.32 AM.png

Aaaaaand with invisible files visible, I see this:

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 11.15.46 AM.png

I'm up for getting my hands dirty with a command line, sure :). Just let me know what I need to do. Never accessed the CLI on a pre-OS X Mac, so if that's what you're referring to it should be an adventure!

Yep, I tried using a 128GB micro SD as well, and the same behavior with the 6360 occurred.


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
<rant> there are no good serial apps for the mac like terraterm or putty</rant>

anyways after getting some CLI foo ready for @Megaboz we got the debug logs - and the culprit was the SD card had 2 partitions (first one hidden, i've seen this a few times on a few drives). A full overwrite format with SD card formatter resolved the issue of not seeing images. I've adjusted the wiki to make it clear to always do this first - as 99.99999% of the time with SD card issues, this is the fix :)


Sep 14, 2024
@eric I am having a "similar" issue where bluescsi lights 3 times but I dont see the log.txt -- I saw it a couple of times and then I didnt see it

I got 2 bluescsi 50pin desktop and from the same SD card one can write the log.txt and the other doesnt. I checked and re-checked the connections with and everything is working as expected.

From reading this thread it seems that if I get 3 lights It means that the SD card is gettind read (good!) -- but any thoughts on why the log.txt is not being shown? -- I checked that the SD card is NOT in the lock mode :)

FWIW I connected the bluescsi to CoolTerm (im on a mac) and this is the output, my SD card is 64GB

Platform: BlueSCSI
FW Version: 2024.05.21-rel May 21 2024 21:21:44
I2C Supported
Flash chip size: 2048 kB
=== SD Card Info ===
SD card detected, exFAT volume size: 59650 MB
SD Name: SDABC, MID: 0x6F, OID: 0x03 0x03
=== Global Config ===
Config file bluescsi.ini not found, using defaults
Active configuration:
=== Finding images in / ===

=== ROM Drive ===
Platform supports ROM drive up to 1692 kB
---- ROM drive image not detected
=== Configured SCSI Devices ===
No images found, enabling RAW fallback partition
Limiting RAW image mapping to SD card sector count: 122172416
---- WARNING: This image does not appear to be a valid Macintosh Device image. See:
Initialization complete!
SDIO card reports unknown write status 0x00000000
SdioCard::writeSector(0x00002200) failed: 8
Failed to open log file: 0x08
INFO: Pico Voltage: 3.314V.
SDIO SD card error on line 198, error code 2
SDIO SD card error on line 198, error code 2
SD card removed, trying to reinit
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80F808F0878078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xF8F7887880808708 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80F808F0878078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xF8F7887880808708 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80880F80F7F70F expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0x8F878F08F7F0F008 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xF880887887F7F078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80F808F0878078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80F808F0878078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF
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Feb 17, 2022
@eric I am having a "similar" issue where bluescsi lights 3 times but I dont see the log.txt -- I saw it a couple of times and then I didnt see it

I got 2 bluescsi 50pin desktop and from the same SD card one can write the log.txt and the other doesnt. I checked and re-checked the connections with and everything is working as expected.

From reading this thread it seems that if I get 3 lights It means that the SD card is gettind read (good!) -- but any thoughts on why the log.txt is not being shown? -- I checked that the SD card is NOT in the lock mode :)

FWIW I connected the bluescsi to CoolTerm (im on a mac) and this is the output, my SD card is 64GB

Platform: BlueSCSI
FW Version: 2024.05.21-rel May 21 2024 21:21:44
I2C Supported
Flash chip size: 2048 kB
=== SD Card Info ===
SD card detected, exFAT volume size: 59650 MB
SD Name: SDABC, MID: 0x6F, OID: 0x03 0x03
=== Global Config ===
Config file bluescsi.ini not found, using defaults
Active configuration:
=== Finding images in / ===

=== ROM Drive ===
Platform supports ROM drive up to 1692 kB
---- ROM drive image not detected
=== Configured SCSI Devices ===
No images found, enabling RAW fallback partition
Limiting RAW image mapping to SD card sector count: 122172416
---- WARNING: This image does not appear to be a valid Macintosh Device image. See:
Initialization complete!
SDIO card reports unknown write status 0x00000000
SdioCard::writeSector(0x00002200) failed: 8
Failed to open log file: 0x08
INFO: Pico Voltage: 3.314V.
SDIO SD card error on line 198, error code 2
SDIO SD card error on line 198, error code 2
SD card removed, trying to reinit
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80F808F0878078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xF8F7887880808708 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80F808F0878078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xF8F7887880808708 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80880F80F7F70F expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0x8F878F08F7F0F008 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xF880887887F7F078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80F808F0878078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SdioCard::readSector(0x00000001) failed: 6
SDIO SD card error on line 426, error code 2
SDIO checksum error in reception: block 0 calculated 0xFF80F808F0878078 expected 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Did you put any image files on the SD card?


New Tinkerer
Mar 16, 2024
South Korea
This might be in the wrong corner, but as yours blinks three times to indicate it can't find any disk image I wanted to ask: how* did you format your SD card? As in, to which file system format and if applicable, with which utility?
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Sep 14, 2024
hey guys, thanks for getting back to me this fast! :)

I didnt have any image. I just want to get the log.txt written into the SD card.

@jibsaramnim -- I have formated it with the SD formater as you can see below

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 9.10.45 AM.png

This is the output that disk utility shows me. As you can see it has a 1MBR partition with ExFAT

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 9.11.47 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 9.11.53 AM.png

I have now (again) put into the SD an image that I got from for System 6.0.8 (that in the other bluescsi boots fine) and this is the log that I get through coolterm

Platform: BlueSCSI
FW Version: 2024.05.21-rel May 21 2024 21:21:44
I2C Supported
Flash chip size: 2048 kB
=== SD Card Info ===
SD card detected, exFAT volume size: 59622 MB
SD Name: SDABC, MID: 0x6F, OID: 0x03 0x03
=== Global Config ===
Config file bluescsi.ini not found, using defaults
Active configuration:
=== Finding images in / ===
== Opening /HD1.hda for ID: 1 LUN: 0
---- WARNING: file /HD1.hda is fragmented, see
---- Image ready

=== ROM Drive ===
Platform supports ROM drive up to 1692 kB
---- ROM drive image not detected
=== Configured SCSI Devices ===
* ID: 1, BlockSize: 512, Type: Fixed, Quirks: Apple, Size: 1925120kB
Initialization complete!
SDIO card reports unknown write status 0x00000000
SdioCard::writeSector(0x00010200) failed: 8
Failed to open log file: 0x08
SDIO card reports unknown write status 0x00000000
SdioCard::writeSector(0x00010200) failed: 8
INFO: Pico Voltage: 3.280V.
SDIO SD card error on line 198, error code 2
SDIO SD card error on line 198, error code 2
SD card removed, trying to reinit
SDIO SD card error on line 332, error code 2


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Please update to the latest release as i see a few SDIO issues.

I didnt have any image. I just want to get the log.txt written into the SD card.
There will be no log file written when there are no images are on the SD card. It will fallback to "raw" mode, exposing the entire SD card as 1 fixed disk, meaning it cant write to there as the entire SD card/file system is now controlled by the vintage machine/served over scsi.
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Sep 14, 2024
Please update to the latest release as i see a few SDIO issues.

There will be no log file written when there are no images are on the SD card. It will fallback to "raw" mode, exposing the entire SD card as 1 fixed disk, meaning it cant write to there as the entire SD card/file system is now controlled by the vintage machine/served over scsi.
mmm I am trying to get the log.txt just by connecting the pico to the usb -- I am not attempting to connect to the SCSI cable yet 😅

Being said that; I went ahead and added an image (system 6.0.8) as HD1.hda and updated the firmware as you suggested.

Now I am getting this:

Platform: BlueSCSI
FW Version: 2024.09.15-rel Sep 15 2024 14:49:19
I2C Supported
Flash chip size: 2048 kB
=== SD Card Info ===
SD card detected, exFAT volume size: 59622 MB
SD Name: SDABC, MID: 0x6F, OID: 0x03 0x03
=== Global Config ===
Config file bluescsi.ini not found, using defaults
Active configuration:
=== Finding images in / ===
== Opening /HD1 - System 6.0.8.hda for ID: 1 LUN: 0
---- Image ready

=== ROM Drive ===
Platform supports ROM drive up to 1692 kB
---- ROM drive image not detected
=== Configured SCSI Devices ===
* ID: 1, BlockSize: 512, Type: Fixed, Quirks: Apple, Size: 1925120kB
Initialization complete!
INFO: Pico Voltage: 3.299V.
SDIO SD card error on line 199, error code 3
SDIO SD card error on line 199, error code 3
SD card removed, trying to reinit

I didnt remove the SD card though -- and I am testing this without being connected to the machine, just the USB cable connected to the pico. any other thoughts?


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Can you turn on debug in the bluescsi.ini file and share the log from that? I guess I'd start by cleaning the SD card contacts and card holder with IPA. I find it odd that you'd get SD errors while the bluescsi is doing nothing.

What brand/markings are on the card that is having issues?


Sep 14, 2024
uhhh just tried to connect it again (disconnect from usb, connect back again) and I am getting 5 times green light blinking and

Platform: BlueSCSI
FW Version: 2024.09.15-rel Sep 15 2024 14:49:19
I2C Supported
Flash chip size: 2048 kB
Timeout waiting for response in rp2040_sdio_command_R1(16), PIO PC: 4 RXF: 0 TXF: 0
SDIO SD card error on line 429, error code 2
Timeout waiting for response in rp2040_sdio_command_R1(16), PIO PC: 6 RXF: 0 TXF: 0
SDIO SD card error on line 429, error code 2
Timeout waiting for response in rp2040_sdio_command_R1(16), PIO PC: 5 RXF: 0 TXF: 0
SDIO SD card error on line 429, error code 2
Timeout waiting for response in rp2040_sdio_command_R1(16), PIO PC: 5 RXF: 0 TXF: 0
SDIO SD card error on line 429, error code 2
SD card init failed, sdErrorCode: 2 sdErrorData: 0


Sep 14, 2024
Can you turn on debug in the bluescsi.ini file and share the log from that? I guess I'd start by cleaning the SD card contacts and card holder with IPA. I find it odd that you'd get SD errors while the bluescsi is doing nothing.

What brand/markings are on the card that is having issues?
absolutely, trying that right now!