BlueSCSI, SD card and setting up a working system with a stock MacOS image

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New Tinkerer
Jun 11, 2024
Hello everyone,

I am using a Macintosh SE with a BlueSCSI internal board. I have put a ready-made MacOS on its SD card, and the SE boots from it. My problem now: even if I use the Toolbox BlueSCSI provides, I cannot unstuff software into this OS image, even if I have Stuffit Expander there. It might be the wrong version of Stuffit Expander. But how can I find out which one is the correct one? Or should I unstuff the software on a Mac (because of resource forks) and put it in the Toolbox's 'shared' folder and try to copy it onto my image?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. It seems that I am missing something here...


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
You can not unstuff anything on a modern computer and transfer it - you will always loose the forks.

You can grab the BootStrap image in the Pre Made Mega link here - it has all versions of Stuffit you'd need.

Lastly if you want to find out what version of Stuffit you need and if it will decompress on your mac you can use my little utility What the SIT?! here - just drag and drop a sit file on it and it'll tell you what to do.

Lastly, since you're on an SE - you will NOT be able to use StuffIt 5.5 archives - you'll need to extract them in an emulator first.

Hope that helps,
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New Tinkerer
Jun 11, 2024
I am sorry for my veeery late reply. Thank you very much for these hints. I am terribly busy with other stuff at the moment, but I sure hope to soon be able to try your suggestions out on my SE. After all I would like to really resuscitate it, and that would mean that you really can be a little productive on it and not just watch the system when it boots ;-)