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New Tinkerer
Jun 18, 2024
Should be fine – i did not enter the command " defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true" though

Might be benificial though - would be most effective when done before the formatting, then the .ds_store will never be made =)

I think it's most important that its added to Spotlight exclusion list directly after formatting

And i also use command-shift-dot to delete all invisible files directly after formatting

so the order would be;

1: write defaults command
2: format SD
3: add to spotlight exclusion list in system prefs
4: command-shift-dot to view invisibles and delete them
5: copy files, once at a time. i have to admit did not try all at once yet, perhaps this even works now. i do not know
6: enjoy speed =)


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Erasing the SD, removing all the invisible files and then adding the SD Card to “Spotlight privacy” list, Then copying the files one by one gives perfect results... removing the invisibles and adding to spotlight privacy list in System settings is the fix 🤠
I've not had time lately to fiddle, but I believe I tried that before and found hidden files were still being copied. What I can say is my experience on Apple Silicon is totally different than when using an Intel Mac. Basically, I cannot create a usable SD card on Apple Silicon. I am forced to use an Intel Mac.

Are you using an Intel Mac or Apple Silicon? If Apple Silicon, what processor? (Mine is an M1 Max CPU.)

keep up the good work, watched a lot of your videos and they are amazing, and educational 😁👍🏼
Thank you for your kind words. Sorry for being absent on YouTube much of this year. Finding a new place to live, then boxing your whole life, moving and unboxing has eating up all my free time. We're moved now, but still have much to do around the house and outside. Eventually, I'll get back into the YouTube game.