Brief intro


New Tinkerer
Dec 11, 2021
Canberra, Australia
Hi everyone - a lot of you might recognise my handle from the 68kmla. I've been lurking here for a little while. Very impressive site, with a governance structure that puts most publicly listed companies to shame!

I've been a Mac user since about 1985, when my dad brought home what I think must have been a 512k. I have something in the order of 75 Macs, ranging from my nice new 128k, through SE/30s, a IIfx, a Quadra 700, through G3s, G4s, G5s, an Intel Mini and the M1 MacBook Pro (Touch Bar version) I'm typing this on. I also have a (n un) healthy collection of Apple printers from the ImageWriter I through 600dpi LaserWriters, and including a LaserWriter Plus.

I bought the 128k not that long ago from its original purchaser in Sydney — Bruce, I believe you fixed its analogue board — in its original box, with almost all of the original accessories, an in-box ImageWriter I, and a bunch of software.

I'm very pleased to finally have a 128k. My grandfather wrote a book on one in the mid 80s, so I'm going to attempt to use it for some semi-serious work.

Last year I did a whole uni course in architecture on my IIfx, which included a bit of Claris CAD and a fair bit of Word 5 (got a good mark, too!). I'm going to attempt the next course, which starts at the end of February, on the 128k. We'll see how that goes.

I'm going to attempt to document the process on my (currently) single-post blog at There's not a lot there now, but I hope to make it a deliciously nerdy look at actually using one of these very limited computers, including working out what early software will actually run on one. It's less than I thought....

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