He may not have had time, or maybe he decided against it due to issues presented by "the CORRECT way" method (i.e., "Apple prototype" method) mentioned in his 68kMLA thread. "What issues," you ask? Please read all of the posts by dkjones96 on page 7 of the thread, starting here:Hrmmm? Has that database been updated with the info @techknight posted about doing 640x480 on the CC "the right way?" IIRC he said he'd do so, but never saw him post on how to do the same with the 12" RGB for LC.
Color Classic VGA Mod. the CORRECT way
Long-term project is an attempt at cramming a DOS-compatible board from a Performa 630 into a Mystic '040. I know it's missing the video port on the motherboard, but... I feel like there's a way this can be done without actually doing a full Takky mod. Everything else is there... it just feels...

As you can see, he later removed the "the CORRECT way" mod and implemented a more traditional VGA mod.
I mention all 3 methods in my CC VGA Mod video.
I still have the low voltage mod installed, but I've been considering doing the high-voltage mod so I can use the stock CC motherboard again. Why? For testing. Also, someone sent me a damaged LC520, and I salvaged the motherboard from it but can't use it because I have the low-voltage VGA mod installed. The Hi-voltage mod would enable me to use that LC520 motherboard too.