Converting from CRT to LCD and updating video output in Compact Macs

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Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
By the way, I found this interesting:
"SE/30s have been hacked to an even greater extent. There are many different things people have done, but one popular (if rare, and dangerous!) upgrade is to find a Micron XCeed graphics chip. This chip fits into the neck of the CRT, which is a dangerous place to work because of all the built up charge. When installed, it will allow the monochrome 512x384 display to use 256 grays at 640x480!"​

Of course, the grayscale graphics chip, probably from the Micron Xceed grayscale adapter, would work on the CRT. I wonder while that grayscale video displays on the CRT, a separate 030 PDS video card would drive an external monitor in color.

After a bit more research, it turns out that it is NOT a chip but a Micron CRT video board, as shown below in the first picture. In the second picture is a homemade video board.

SE30_MicronExceedGrayAdapter_revB.JPG SE30_homemade_CRTvidboard.jpg


Now, that is Tinker differently! We need to identify specifically what that homemade CRT video board is and see a modern solution that could replace the existing CRT video board attached to the CRT. Imagine all compact Macs being able to display in grays if this were to be pulled off? The current barrier would be a video adapter device (PDS for SE or SE/30 and external SCSI for older compact Macs) is still required.
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Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
Some of the guys are working on a GS solution already:

SE/30 form factor SuperMac VidCard I snagged with dedicated IIsi adapter is missing from that list:


Haven't tested it in the SE/30 yet, but they likely wouldn't have made it in that form factor if it wouldn't work? Info here:

If that panel or a similar display won't support 640x480, there's probably room in the SE/30 sans A/B for an Extron Scaler if needs be.


Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
@Trash80toG4 that is awesome. A modern CRT video board is in the works for the SE/30 to have grays on the screen! I am wondering, isn't a video card in PDS needed for that? Did those folks have a workaround without relying on a 030 PDS video card?

I am very familiar with the Extron. 😊 I have an Extron RGB HDMI 300 A for my Apple IIGS, which works great! I have an RGB2HDMI and Raspberry Pi Zero on the way for my SE/30 TTL output with the Power R 2703.

Question for you, @Trash80toG4. I see that some 030 PDS video cards have a pass-through PDS. Does that mean I can use the SE/30 PDS Ethernet card simultaneously?

By the way, you can take a screenshot under System 7.6 by Command-Shift-4. For more information, check out this article at Apple Wiki. For below System 7.6, I vaguely remember another way to take screenshots but cannot remember how?


Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
@Trash80toG4 that is awesome. A modern CRT video board is in the works for the SE/30 to have grays on the screen! I am wondering, isn't a video card in PDS needed for that? Did those folks have a workaround without relying on a 030 PDS video card?
Yes, @Bolle and two other wizards are working on a PDS GS Card to drive the Micron GS neck board.

I am very familiar with the Extron. 😊 I have an Extron RGB HDMI 300 A for my Apple IIGS, which works great! I have an RGB2HDMI and Raspberry Pi Zero on the way for my SE/30 TTL output with the Power R 2703.
Since you're familiar with it, will the Extron drive your 1024x768 LCD? If so, just about any VidCard would work. The Radius Color Pivot II/IIsi outputting its 16" best resolution would be a great find. Dunno what price they command now, but they were untested/dirt cheap for quite a while from macmetex on eBay. Many folks have timnkerd with using it in the SE/30, fitment of the overlong PCB is the only issue, but I've had the IIsi Pivot Card HeaderChopHack on the backburner for several years.


In this10x10 PCB era this would be a great project for someone. PCB would have a DIP header for IDC cable breakout, replacing the quirky, long OEM connector. It would be mounted on headers 7-16 and bolted up to the (yellow, next to R76) hole and the bolthole on the PDS connector for three point stability. More and better pics of below in this thread.

Question for you, @Trash80toG4. I see that some 030 PDS video cards have a pass-through PDS. Does that mean I can use the SE/30 PDS Ethernet card simultaneously?


From the again somnolent Project30 thread. This pic was a quick search, there are better pics of the "wrong angle" connector adapted Asante NIC with the short version of PowerCache adapter we developed way back when. Code name for project was ProtoCache which would be a simple title only search.

By the way, you can take a screenshot under System 7.6 by Command-Shift-4. For more information, check out this article at Apple Wiki. For below System 7.6, I vaguely remember another way to take screenshots but cannot remember how?
Looked, couldn't find the card for specs/pics. Screenshot wouldn't help you anyway, it doesn't show anything but the contents of VRAM buffer. The unmercifully hacked board in the pic is a SuperMac IIsi adapter for the SE/30 VidCard in question. I've collected all kinds tinkerables over the years.
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Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
This is starting to feel like I may be hijacking your thread? Trying to document my suggestions for you project, hope you don't mind?

edit: for SPAM reduction, I'll move the RCPII/IIsi info and hacking tangent to its own thread and link it here. ;)
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Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
This is starting to feel like I may be hijacking your thread? Trying to document my suggestions for you project, hope you don't mind?

edit: for SPAM reduction, I'll move the RCPII/IIsi info and hacking tangent to its own thread and link it here. ;)
@Trash80toG4, no, not at all! :) All the information we discussed is relevant because of swapping out CRT to LCD and enabling better video on compact Macs.


Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
@Trash80toG4, the connection adapter that will "correct" the "wrong way" PDS pass-through connector on an IIsi PDS card, is it simple as getting an adapter from somewhere? Nubus 90-degree connector adapter?


Nov 1, 2021
Guide for a Macintosh SE to get video out to a LCD.