eMac 1.0GHz. Leaky caps on logic board, should I also check caps on analog board ?

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New Tinkerer
Dec 20, 2024
I recently bought myself a 2003/2004 Apple eMac 1.0GHz. Unfortunately it has leaky caps on logic board, and I have a question if caps are leaky on logic board should I also check caps on Analog Board ?
I don't really want to do it because pretty much there's not much documentation on eMacs analog board, there isn't even guide how to disassemble from case it or at least I couldn't find it (there's barely any images of eMacs analog board on internet), so I pretty much think it would be nightmare dissasemble it.
But there's good reason why I would want to check analog board, because overall my eMac works, but sometimes screen collapses for a split second and makes weird noise and also there's barely visible weird moire/noise pattern on screen (kinda like when recording crt). So I don't know if those symptoms are because of leaky caps on logic board or leaky caps on analog board.
Anyway if anyone has any idea what I should do next I would be grateful.



New Tinkerer
Dec 24, 2024
I have a leaky 2004 eMac, at least for me the downconverter was also badly affected. Collapsing for a split second is probably bad. Does it collapse vertically (to make a horizontal line), horizontally (to make a vertical line) or both? That might tell you which circuits to look at next.


New Tinkerer
Dec 20, 2024
I have a leaky 2004 eMac, at least for me the downconverter was also badly affected. Collapsing for a split second is probably bad. Does it collapse vertically (to make a horizontal line), horizontally (to make a vertical line) or both? That might tell you which circuits to look at next.
Sorry I used incorrect wording. Screen goes dim, shrinks and makes noise when it does it, I'm basically praying it's not flyback transformer. So it doesn't look like typical crt collapse meaning like you say it's single vertical line or horizontal line or both then it is just a dot (at least to my knowledge).


New Tinkerer
Dec 24, 2024
Could be caps or the flyback or both I think. I had a flyback failure on an early one, it mainly just smelled like ozone and then one day stopped lighting up, but your symptoms could be consistent with flyback failure. If it's just a line in one axis, that's usual horizontal or vertical deflection problems (caps or transistors), but blinking/jerking/zapping or smelling like ozone can indicate flyback stuff I think. I have a vintage color TV repairman's manual around somewhere, I should probably read it again...might be worth it to see if you can find something similar online, there are often tables of symptoms to diagnose specific parts of our "color TVs", as well as good safety practices.