F4 BlueSCSI, a BlueSCSI Fork By Androda


TinkerDifferent Board Secretary 2023
Staff member
Sep 25, 2021
USA, Western

Thanks to @jokker we now have CD/DVD image support in a full release! This release also improves Atari support, among other things. See the release notes.

This brings F4 up to date with the upstream release v1.1-20220917.


TinkerDifferent Board Secretary 2023
Staff member
Sep 25, 2021
USA, Western
You may be asking "Is F4 BlueSCSI abandoned?" after the announcement of BlueSCSI V2.

This is the plan moving forward:
  • Hardware sales have ended, but the designs will remain available for those that want to build one anyway
    • If anyone wants to build and sell F4/F4Lite BlueSCSI designs, please contact me about it - the hardware license is still Creative Commons Non-Commercial
  • F4 BlueSCSI software will pull changes and updates from the upstream BlueSCSI V1 GitHub repository
    • As far as I know the BlueSCSI Toolbox code hasn't been officially released in BlueSCSI V1 yet, and this is definitely something I want to port to F4/F4Lite once available
So overall the answer is both yes and no. Hardware for F4 BlueSCSI is no longer being sold, but the software will stay up to date with BlueSCSI V1. BlueSCSI V2 is a faster and more compatible product, made using parts that are easier to get than the ones F4 BlueSCSI was using. So it makes sense to consolidate onto the new platform to avoid having to keep up with 14+ different variations of assembled hardware and kits.
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