FileMaker Pro IWP (database publishing on the web)


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Work related question today. Since I am talking about "vintage" software for Macs, I felt it only reasonable to post my query on TinkerDifferent! :)

Many years ago, my employer paid a web programmer to build a mySQL database for us, such that we could put our car security related vehicle wiring data into a password protected section of our company website, for installers to access. That became a hassle because we really needed a solution where non-programmers in our company could easily modify database fields (add new ones, delete old ones, etc.), change entire page layouts, add new layouts, add new records, etc. For that reason, we ditched the custom mySQL solution for FileMaker Pro 12 Advanced, which has an insanely great feature called IWP (Instant Web Publishing). We still use it today and pay US$169.50 each for 2 databases ($339 total per year) to be hosted at MacUSA -- the lowest cost FileMaker database host provider out there (to my knowledge). Sadly, Claris killed off IWP some years back and replaced it with a horribly expensive alternative. The replacement is modern and works with recent web security protocols, but again, it's insanely priced. The cheapest plan I can find online would cost over US$1,000 annually, which is not feasible for our company. The reason is because we provide the wiring data free to our installers. We don't get paid for database access.

The problem we have now is that modern web browsers no longer support the security protocols that FileMaker IWP uses. So what we have been doing is tell our distributors and dealers in Japan to keep using an older computer so they can run and older version browser that will allow them access. This is bad for numerous reasons. And yet, we cannot afford a much more expensive alternative.

All said, I am curious if any of you with web database experience (especially FileMaker experience) might know of a suitable replacement for IWP that wouldn't cost us much more than the US$339 we pay now per year, allowing our company non-programmers to continue doing what they do now: add fields, delete fields, add/delete records, etc. (End users don't edit the database at all. They just search through and browse existing records.) Of course, that new solution needs to support modern web security protocols. Database accesses are very low at only about 20 per week. The number of records is under 900, currently, and growing slowly. The database contains both text and graphics. You can see an example record in PDF form here.

It's possible that none of you have any idea, but one thing I've found in life is that if I don't ask, I don't receive! It never hurts to ask.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thank you!


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
I use LiveCode at work.

The LiveCode server software engine runs under Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. There’s even a raspberry pi version (ARM).

The engine is like a PHP processor in that it executes code written as a text file, and then that code can load a HTML template, populate the data, and return the result to the browser.

It depends upon the web server for security. We use Apache and our own SSL certificates purchased from a provider. The code is cross-platform compatible and the language is …. Basically HyperTalk.

LiveCode started off as MetaCard, then became Runtime Revolution, and was rebranded LiveCode about 15 years ago or so.

There are free options, and a paid yearly option for various flavors of IDE and deployment.

That’s the solution I use. It was how I brought a large company from depending on HyperCard into the modern era.

LiveCode used to offer a free open source engine for download, in step with each commercial release. Sadly, September 1 that was discontinued.

I have archived the entire set of community versions on here:

LiveCode does have the ability to access data in various SQL databases, though that’s not how I’ve used it. My “database” consists of flat text files formatted in a consistent way (data separated by lines or by tab delimitation).
Thank you for the recommendation. I suppose it boils down to what our web host provider will allow. We pay MacUSA to host our FileMaker databases, but we pay a different company (Superior Host) to host our websites. Our websites are on shared hosting, not a dedicated server. That keeps costs low and is satisfactory in light of how many people access our sites monthly. With a dedicated server, you have a lot of freedom to install just about anything you want. The cost is significantly higher than shared hosting, however. And since the aim is to keep costs in check, I'm not sure if a move to a dedicated server in order to install LiveCode is a practical solution. But I need to crunch the numbers to be sure. It's 11pm on a Friday evening here in Japan now, and I'm exhausted. I'll give it further thought on Monday in light of what you recommended.

Thanks again for kindly sharing your thoughts. I must admit that something similar to HyperCard is rather intriguing to me.


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
You could setup a reverse proxy to the actual app server - eg, | modern web client | -> modern tls -> | reverse proxy | -> old ssl/or http -> | IWP |

Common reverse proxy's are Caddy, Nginx, Apache HTTPD, etc. I prefer Caddy as it's very simple config, and secure/sane defaults.

There are modern "no code" or "low code" solutions such as air table - (or search for air table alternatives via the googles)

Also - $1k/yr seems cheap - yes it's more than you currently pay but you also have to factor in the time you and you're colleagues have put in evaluating and/or deploying alternatives.

I'm not sure the process behind it but if it's that low traffic and provided free to your customers, maybe just a static site with the html files served would be an alternative too. Then you dont have to worry about database upkeep or changing tls/ssl issues.

Alternatively if you're not serving any sensitive data, maybe just change to http and no user/pass - if it's all provided free anyways.

Just a smattering of ideas - I'm sure there's more complexities but maybe this will provide some ideas to peruse.
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Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK
@JDW My previous employer was a firm called iSOS. Despite the horror stories from that place, they DID have a few very talented FileMaker guys employed there - who could certainly help - even an initial email conversation with them might be worth it.

Filemaker Pro 12 is very, very old, I was working with FMP14/15 databases 5 years ago.

Honestly i wonder if half of what you need is doable with something as simple as Squarespace or Wix.
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Nov 4, 2021
Tucson, AZ
This doesn't sound like it's very structured data. Would a searchable wiki be a better fit for this information? MediaWiki lets you create a little bit of structure in largely unstructured data, as is demonstrating. A few tags and/or categories for automatic grouping and listing articles goes a long way.


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
If your shared hosting provider would allow you to upload your own CGI engine to be used with /cgi-bin/ and shell access to edit the .cgi text files, that’s an option. I used that 15 years ago with a startup I partnered with. Can’t remember the hosting provider we used, but they allowed us to use the LiveCode engine and our own .cgi files.
Sorry for my delayed reply. I am just too busy to reply when at home these days with my wife still hospitalized, but now that I am here at work, I can make the time since, technically speaking, this is work-related.

Looking at my website folder hierarchy, I see this:

home > public_html > dev > cgi-bin

I have permission to copy files to that cgi-bin folder, although whether something will run in it or not is something I've not tested yet.


Tinker Different Public Relations Liaison 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Honestly i wonder if half of what you need is doable with something as simple as Squarespace or Wix.
I was thinking that myself. Maybe even a database plug-in added to WordPress could do the trick.
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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
You could setup a reverse proxy to the actual app server - eg, | modern web client | -> modern tls -> | reverse proxy | -> old ssl/or http -> | IWP |

Common reverse proxy's are Caddy, Nginx, Apache HTTPD, etc. I prefer Caddy as it's very simple config, and secure/sane defaults.

There are modern "no code" or "low code" solutions such as air table - (or search for air table alternatives via the googles)

Thank you for the suggestions.

I'd never heard of Caddy before, but looking at the website now, I see it is web server software. Since we are on a shared hosting server (not a dedicated server), which is deliberate on our part to keep our web serving costs to a rock bottom minimum, I don't see how we could use Caddy. Setting up a dedicated server and hosting would cost us more than we are willing to pay. We pay roughly $300/yr right now to host two different FileMake Pro database on the web, and we really don't want to pay substantially more than that per year, especially because our company is not in the best financial condition right now.

I investigated Airtable over the weekend, and it appears to be a glorified spreadsheet that stores data in a database, but is nevertheless a spreadsheet in steroids. That doesn't seem to fit our model built on FileMaker Pro. I can explain everything much more clearly in the following screencast (please forgive the lackluster audio, as I'm at work with a pathetic headset)...



Antiques Dealer
Sep 2, 2021
After watching the video, I'll stick to what I know and recommend a language able to interact with a relational database and present the data within to be the most viable solution, if you want to maintain access for past, present and future users in terms of compatibility.

The other solution as mentioned before, is working with the API that FM has available, where you could probably cut some of the cost in development.

Sure, it may cost a bit, but think long-term.
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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
After watching the video, I'll stick to what I know and recommend a language able to interact with a relational database and present the data within to be the most viable solution, if you want to maintain access for past, present and future users in terms of compatibility.

The other solution as mentioned before, is working with the API that FM has available, where you could probably cut some of the cost in development.

Sure, it may cost a bit, but think long-term.
Thank you very much for making time to watch my screencast!

It seems you are suggesting we consider 1 of 2 things:

1. Rebuild the record content inside a different database and then hire someone to build a custom UI on top of that.
2. Hire a PHP programmer to do the API interface with our ancient version of FileMaker in order to product a result on the web that is compliant with modern SSL protocols.


Antiques Dealer
Sep 2, 2021
Thank you very much for making time to watch my screencast!

It seems you are suggesting we consider 1 of 2 things:

1. Rebuild the record content inside a different database and then hire someone to build a custom UI on top of that.
2. Hire a PHP programmer to do the API interface with our ancient version of FileMaker in order to product a result on the web that is compliant with modern SSL protocols.
I'm fairly sure the data can be exported, it's just a matter of dealing with what you have afterwards that can become a bit tricky, though that's for potential developers :p

The third solution is to look at upgrading what you have to a newer release of FM, migrating the data from FM to FM should not be that big a task
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