Finally found a SE/30. Upgrade Time!


New Tinkerer
Sep 3, 2023
I have been questing for a SE/30 for many years. I now have one, and have been looking around online and see the incredible skills being put to good use with ROM swaps. Recapping the motherboard to making upgrade cards (last I checked, that was the realm of Big Tech).
I would really appreciate any tips/ advice that anyone is willing to share with me. I am just starting out on a long journey that waiting to start.
I am super impressed with this group.
Thank You

ps: here is what I think I need:
Board Recaping
040 upgrade cards
Some way to get USB into this baby
(BlueSCSI I think as something but I need to do more research).
And I am open to suggestions.


Staff member
Mar 18, 2022
I have been questing for a SE/30 for many years. I now have one, and have been looking around online and see the incredible skills being put to good use with ROM swaps. Recapping the motherboard to making upgrade cards (last I checked, that was the realm of Big Tech).
I would really appreciate any tips/ advice that anyone is willing to share with me. I am just starting out on a long journey that waiting to start.
I am super impressed with this group.
Thank You

ps: here is what I think I need:
Board Recapping
Yep, pretty much obligatory. See for guidance, and for ready-made kits with what you need
040 upgrade cards
These are pretty rare and expensive. I'd ask why you feel you need one? What are you going to run on your SE/30? Is it worth the investment?
If it's for the challenge of it and you have the money: Go for it!
Some way to get USB into this baby
This one's a bit confusing. There's no USB support in any OS that can run on the SE/30. What's the USB for?
(BlueSCSI I think as something but I need to do more research).
BlueSCSI v2 is pretty much king of the game right now. Especially now that you can get the PicoW version.
And I am open to suggestions.
Hello and welcome!
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S. Pupp

New Tinkerer
Apr 2, 2023
The OS will not support USB, but there are ADB-USB adapters that will allow the use of USB keyboards and mice with an SE/30 or other Macs with ADB ports. Other devices such as USB scanners, storage devices, etc are not supported.

I’ve used a Griffin iMate and a BMOW Wombat to use my USB keyboard with my SE/30 and IIfx. The Wombat is reversible, allowing the use of ADB keyboards with computers that have USB ports.