Fixing A Dead PSU From A G4 MDD


Oct 8, 2023
Northeastern New Jersey, USA
This is a little off-shoot from the thread I started about my G4's problem. I'm just curious if any of you folks have tried this, given this power supply's issues with the MDD...

Have any of you done an autopsy on a dead PSU from an MDD? If so, have you tried resurrecting it (recapping and whatnot)? If so, what have been your results? What caused them to fail in the first place?

S. Pupp

New Tinkerer
Apr 2, 2023
I’ve been adventurous with electronics since age 7. Any time anything I own breaks, I try to fix it. I’ve recapped power supplies for my SE/30, and two IIfx’s. I’ve recapped logic boards for PowerBook G3 and G4. I’ve worked on my MacBook Pro’s logic board.

I took one look inside the MDD PSU, however, and said “Nope.”. It’s a really tight mess in there.

I ended up sending two of them to ACX Electronics on eBay. He got them back to me quickly, and they now work fine. My main MDD, though, has an ATX PSU sitting outside the case, with a home-assembled ATX to G4 MDD extension cable. It is quiet, and the cpu reports lower temps.
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S. Pupp

New Tinkerer
Apr 2, 2023
Good resource, trag. A search for “MDD G4” at leads to several pages of results regarding both brands of PSU. I used in the past to fix a Sony receiver, but for some reason it’s never occurred to me to check it for Mac related issues.
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