[Help] Macintosh Plus CRT Issues


New Tinkerer
Jan 22, 2025
I recently picked up a Macintosh Plus from a friend's dad that was giving away stuff from his vintage tech collection. I've noticed since I got it (including when I was at the house testing it) that the CRT will sometimes not display a picture, usually when it gets moved around. The CRT still works, based on static electricity that can be felt and the gray screen with horizontal white lines that can be seen when the brightness is turned up all the way, but other than that the picture will remain dark and not show anything. I've currently found two fixed, percussive maintenance (not optimal, sometimes only causes the screen to flash on for a split second), and applying pressure in one direction to the power cable (also not optimal and only a very temporary fix.) I have a T15 screwdriver coming soon to open it up and see what the issue could be internally, but until that arrives, based on the photos and explanation could this be an easy fix? Could this have to do with a poor connection between parts inside the Mac, or could it be a matter of completely recapping (which will happen no matter what)? Help would be greatly appreciated as this is my first ever vintage Macintosh, and one that I've dreamed of having for a while, so it would be great to have it come back into fully working order.

Macintosh on with the screen functioning normally:

Macintosh on without screen working normally (brightness all the way down):

Macintosh on without screen working normally (brightness all the way up):

The direction that the power cable needs pressure applied to in for the screen to start functioning normally:


Active Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Fort Mill, SC
@JDW has fantastic videos for recapping, but also covers reflowing the solder on the connectors most likely to have cold solder joints:

Make sure you also watch the part about discharging the CRT before working on anything. Here: 1:04

I think some Mac Plus machines had bleeder resistors, but not all, and not all are still working. If you can, leave it off for a few hours before you do the discharge to be extra cautious. Once you've discharged it, you can feel better about removing the analog board.
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