[Help wanted] - Bulid "Awesome List" of Macintosh System Software Installers


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
You may have seen these lists other places - commonly refereed to "Awesome Lists" - meaning a curated list of links for a specific topic. eg: https://github.com/alnacle/awesome-emulators

One of the most difficult things for a new vintage user to do is get a set of OS installers they need in the format their device requires. Say you have a FloppyEMU and need disk copy 4.2 images (in a archive format you can extract on your modern machine), or a bootable ISO, Toast/ISO/dmg, or a language variant, 800k version for a early SE, etc.

This also might help build find and fill in gaps for installers/formats.

Using this thread as a planning area and will move the content to a resource once we get a good list of content.

Another thing we could do is build a "System Software" Banner for the garden so we can easily jump between all OS versions.

machut is a great place to start - though they're all in .sit.hqx so you must extract them first in an emulator before using. This list is just a starting point for the installers/files.

System Sets (CD/DVD)​

Bootable Floppy Disk Images​

Pre System 6​

System 6​

System 7​

Mac A/UX​

Mac OS 8​

Mac OS 9​

Mac OS X
... coming

Please reply with links and missing items!
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Nov 3, 2021
Great idea, @eric! 💡:)

AUX 1.1 was discussed at the aux-penelope site. However, I still cannot find that version.

I noticed a couple of system enablers and a patch to run MacOS 8 on 030 at this themacarchive site. That site has images of various utilities and other software that folks may need to find quickly.
The Born Again installer can do the patches for Mac OS 8 automatically if a Mac OS 8.0 or 8.1 CD is inserted and detected. I used it on my LC III to put 8.1 onto it
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Feb 7, 2022
Currently Duvall, WA
System 6.0.6? Don't think I've ever seen that one...
Apparently was too buggy for Apple to introduce it with the IIsi, LC, and Classic machines. So, it's extremely rare. I haven't tried to run it on a machine yet. Need to make some floppies of it, then I'll try it out on either the SE or the IIci.