IIGS, Apple Squeezer, Rom 3


New Tinkerer
Aug 10, 2022
Oklahoma, USA
I am really enjoying the Apple Squeezer especially with the Uthernet Card installed. It works fantastic.

I have ran into an issue that I am going to try and problem solve. When I launch the latest edition of Script Central (2022) I get a bad software, less likely bad memory error. Really interesting. I don't get this issue with the 2021 issue, I run into the problem even if I am trying to run the hypercard sub stacks that the front facing stack pushes too.

I am going to attempt to install the apple squeezer control panel installer and see if I can resolve issues by messing with settings. I am also going to attempt to move the stacks over to a larger hard drive and see if the problem is because of a corrupt disk image.

I also have ran into a bit of a brick wall when it comes to loading webber. It constantly looks for the HTML Tools file...I am going to attempt to transfer that over to my iigs from my Mac. I am not 100% sure how to get this as it seems that Apple has hidden all the old FTP settings from within the System Prefs. I am sure I can muck around and turn it on via command line.
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Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
Hi @hoach! :)👋

That is awesome you have the Apple Squeezer GS. I also have a Uthernet card in my IIGS, and I am glad to know that it works fine with it. The Squeezer is on my list to pick up. :)

Script Central 2022, is that the HyperCard IIGS thingy from this? It sounds like you may have found a bug or two. Can you get in touch with the developer? Can you post screenshots?

As for the HTTP, FTP, and TCP/IP stack-related issues, can you please post screenshots what you see as you run into problems?

I would like to see your documentation as you go along with screenshots. That will be very helpful. :)


New Tinkerer
Aug 10, 2022
Oklahoma, USA
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Okay, to further document the errors I am getting. I was able to download the HTML Tools using the Safe2 downloader tool. Its nice that I can point to a file on an HTML site and it just downloads.
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I unpacked all the files and replaced tools, and fonts, and I am still getting issues with Webber. At this point I believe that I should just over with a new system disk, fresh install and start from scratch. I still get a "make sure the tools, fonts, etc" are installed" on boot.
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So, I decided to mess around with installing the Apple Squeezer control panel. Everything seems to load and install quickly, I am already using the latest core 4 version of the Squeezer, so I didn't need to update. I decided to untangle the "extra ram" feature and restart to see if I would fix any issues with the 2022 Script Central. (by the way, I emailed Brendan at Silverwand software. He thought it was an interesting crash, and didn't have a real solution.
Upon reboot after I unchecked the don't use extra memory I couldn't get my system folder to allow me boot up. I tried to boot up from all other system drives I had on my booti and all said can't find Pro Dos. Interesting. I eventually reinstalled Garret's 8mb card and was able to boot up. So the uncheck is really a check.
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I moved everything from the 2022 Script Central file to my 1gb HD partition and I'll see if it resolves any issues.

My other issue is resolving a problem with my Apple II Joystick. It was bought from a guy in Korea who had custom made it. I have a joystick switch on the side of my IIGS, for games for 2 player control, so you can toggle between which controller is being used I guess. I have it plugged into this switch, but I think I might need to plug my custom controller straight into the board. I can get the "fire" buttons to work just fine, but the thumb stick doesn't work with any of the games.

I have messed with my computer for over 4-5 hours tonight. I should do other things...its just fun though.