Initial feedback


New Tinkerer
Sep 23, 2021
Overall, I love the look and feel of the site. Still poking around but here are a couple items I thought to mention.

*registration - when I was doing the initial registration today, it took 2 minutes or so between submit and getting the notification that the email was sent. Not a huge deal, but just in case that is not the intended result I thought I would mention it.

*Trading Post - I see that this is locked down to members with an account age of 28 days which is great. Do you also perhaps want to lock down to accounts that have a minimum post count? Also, do you have it called out anywhere that TinkerDifferent takes no responsabilities for issues with sales? Maybe there is an option to turn on a feedback rating system? As an example, This is a forum ( AZBilliards ) I am a member of that has a section to sell pool cues. The rating system helps know the risk level of who you are potentially interacting with.

If anything else comes to mind, I will share it :D

Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK
Hey @Woodengamer - thanks for the feedback - that was quick!

We've already amended the trade section to reflect 'caveat emptor' :)

As all trades, at the moment, are approved manually by a moderator, as we're likely to be on the low side of trades for now - but as we scale, i can certainly see this process being more automated, with those restrictions in place.

For the issues with registration - there was a minor glitch/delay on the back end, but this has been solved.
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