Looking for a nice picture of Portable CDEV 1.3


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Your Portable isn't letting you adjust the brightness outside of the CDEV 1.3 even after you set up the shortcut modifiers? From the ResEdit image, it looks like you can choose which modifier key you use... idk
I did not setup any shortcut keys. I merely assumed based on prior dialog that the arrow keys might work to adjust brightness, and when they did not, I then tried various key combinations in vain, such as CMD-ArrowUp, CMD-Arrow-Down, OPT-Arrow-Up, CTRL-ArrowUp, Shift-CMD-ArrowUp, etc. Nothing worked.

I am happy to test again if I am given precise, step-by-step guidance on what I need to do to setup the modifier keys, because I unfortunately do not have the time to figure it out on my own.

Lastly, I should add that version 1.3.1 of the the "Portable" control panel was created by me in ResEdit based on the specific guidance of @SuperSVGA , and I have uploaded it to Macintosh Garden for more exposure here:

As mentioned there, it eliminates the pop sound every 10 seconds on the 5126, but it's a fix only for System 6, not System 7. Would love to figure out a way to hack Brightness in System 7 to achieve the same fix. The pop sound is annoying.
