Looking For Suggestions: High Res, High Quality, High Speed Resin Printer


Looking for suggestions from real people with experience on the subject on getting a high resolution (4k? 8k? Higher? Lower? I don't even know) high speed (whatever that means in comparison to a bambu X1 carbon FDM) high quality (i.e. low maintenance, ain't gonna break, easy for an idiot to use) resin printer.

My budget is about $1,000.

I need a thing that just works. I want to print things that are too small or have too much detail to reliably print using FDM/filament.

Any suggestions?
Nov 4, 2021
Tucson, AZ
An indirect recommendation: The University library has switched their resin printers to Phrozen Mega 8K's. While the Mega 8K it way out of your budget maybe one of the smaller ones will fit your needs. They run as a retail print service with librarians and student workers, not nerdy engineering types who would put up with needing to fiddle with the machines. They use Ultimakers and now Prusa MK3S+'s for FDM for the same fire-and-forget reliability.
I've only done one resin print through them, but the dozen or so Alps SKCC key stems I got were flawless and fit the old Ti99/4A keycaps snugly.