Mac84 or BigBadBio


Jan 26, 2024
Oi! Either of you up in this shizzy? I got a computer I think either of you would love to stream working on.

It's a rusted shut Mac Plus. When lifted it sounds like a pair of maracas. There is bound to be adventure inside, and approx 3 hours of streaming content. It's free. My only thing is if it contains anything non-stock (like an expansion card), I would want that component sent back to me. IDGAF about extra memory. And you can do whatever you want with it. Sell it, raffle it away (I will not be entering the raffle, as I don't want it darkening my doorstep ever again), donate it. Whatever, whatever.

BBB... I think this is inline with your, let's call it, low-rent approach to repairs.
Mac84... you just seem like a masochist tinkerer.

So, DM me or reply to this or send a raven or what. This machine deserves Internet posterity and FAME!!!