Like many here, I maxed out my childhood Mac. It's an LC III where I purchased all the upgrades that didn't cost an arm and a leg. Cut to a month ago and I finally got around to recapping the mother board and PSU. That went successfully. When testing I added one thing at a time to ensure I could hear a startup chime: I added the RAM, test passed; VRAM, test passed; FPU, test passed, and then I added my Apple LC PDS Ethernet card and nothing, not even a chime or death chime. It messes it up to the point where you need to wait for the PRAM to reset before it goes back to normal (I didn't have a battery installed at the time). I did some research and it seemed one couldn't have the FPU occupied and PDS slot at the same time from some discussion on StackExchange (
So, I concluded that I would need the Asante LC Ethernet card that has an FPU slot, but I got a BlueSCSI v2 for it and wanted to see how well that works. It works okay, but it is slow (but much faster than a 28.8k modem, at least). It seems like if the connection drops, it results in me needing to force quit apps which throws the whole system out of whack where telling the Mac to restart results in Finder getting stuck, eventually resulting in a hard freeze to where I have to do a Control-Apple-Power On to reboot. It sort of makes me want to avoid getting the Mac online, but I really want to use ircle, FTP, and maybe Hotline.
I got to looking deeper into getting an LC III with FPU an Ethernet card and came across this video:
. They got a Farallon card that doesn't have an FPU socket. They too have an FPU installed on the motherboard. At first, I was thinking, "Poor guy, their Mac won't even POST," but then they got the startup chime and booted.
So, what the heck? The person in the YT video says that it was manufactured 5 years after the LC III, so maybe it is designed to co-exist? As far as I can recall, I don't think I have ever tested that Ethernet card. I've not been able to test the Mac with the card without the math co-processor installed since I didn't have a PLCC extractor, but now I think I may extract the FPU and see if the card even works!
Any guidance is greatly appricated!
So, I concluded that I would need the Asante LC Ethernet card that has an FPU slot, but I got a BlueSCSI v2 for it and wanted to see how well that works. It works okay, but it is slow (but much faster than a 28.8k modem, at least). It seems like if the connection drops, it results in me needing to force quit apps which throws the whole system out of whack where telling the Mac to restart results in Finder getting stuck, eventually resulting in a hard freeze to where I have to do a Control-Apple-Power On to reboot. It sort of makes me want to avoid getting the Mac online, but I really want to use ircle, FTP, and maybe Hotline.
I got to looking deeper into getting an LC III with FPU an Ethernet card and came across this video:

Any guidance is greatly appricated!