Has anyone tried the 50 Mhz 030 on this card? JDW mentioned having a 50 Mhz 030 Daystar accelerator in his SE/30. Wondering about the possibilities with this one.
@Bolle says it's a no-go for implementing a 32MHz CPU on the card by feeding a 16MHz clock bodge from the board through its 8MHz->16MHz PAL. That was my longtime quest, his testing nailed the coffin shut.
So I'm figuring 50MHz won't work at anything but 16MHz as would the 32MHz part.
I might get this board for my Classic, it would be nice to not have to swap my Classic board for a Classic II board to get an 030 (I know it's 16-bit but still)
Did you find one to purchase, or are you going to build your own? Last I heard there is not a known source for the clip that clips over the 68000 on the Classic, it is a newer package type than the 68000 used in the Plus.