My first Apple QuickTake 150 Panoramic Image - The Span of Autumn


Oct 31, 2021
Indianapolis, IN
My first ever panoramic image using the QuickTake 150. That $20 Kaidan Tripod head paid off and I got in just the right amount of light today to get a really great capture of 15 vertical images stitched together. Felt the images turned out so well that I didn't want to post edit them in PhotoShop in any way from how they were originally captured by the 150. WYSIWYG!

The result is a 2600x625 panoramic image from a 1995 camera that I would have never imagined possible. Only recently did I even learn you could take panoramas using these cameras as it seemed like a crazy idea to consider. Slowly tracked down everything I needed to finally do it and made a day of it today. The biggest hurdle was that my PowerBook 1400 battery is no longer charging or holding a charge despite having just purchased it re-celled sadly. Convenient to happen just before going out to shoot a panoramic but thankfully I had a few 150s to take multiple sets of images and bring back to get a single decent shot.

Out of 3, this one (without a wide angle lens) turned out the best - the sun was shining insanely bright which probably explains the better than expected result:


Sadly the QuickTake 200 images didn't turn out so well, to the point where I think there may actually be something wrong with the sensor. Might try to track down another 200 to take some pictures with and compare to the unit I have to see if what I do have is out of spec or if they're just not as good as the previous models despite having a nice LCD display.

Here's the Panoramic QuickTake rig of the Future! ;-)



Oct 30, 2021
This is unbelievable quality! I mean, most people would think you're pulling their leg.

We used a QuickTake 100 to shoot pictures of everyone at my college in August '94 to make the school's first photo ID cards. That camera was a trooper, but hardly an artistic tool.
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TinkerDifferent Board Vice-President 2023
Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
Another project idea, 3d anaglyph images (two images taken a step or two apart focusing on a center point). Been quite awhile since I've made them but would be interesting to do a series on macintosh computers!


Oct 31, 2021
Indianapolis, IN
This is unbelievable quality! I mean, most people would think you're pulling their leg.

We used a QuickTake 100 to shoot pictures of everyone at my college in August '94 to make the school's first photo ID cards. That camera was a trooper, but hardly an artistic tool.
Yeah, I found it kind of hard to believe myself since I've taken almost 500 pictures using these cameras with a ton being duds. Cool to hear someone actually used it to make badges with! I had read Magic Lantern's Ideas for the QuickTake 100 in their book here and that was one of the suggested uses :D

I have a 150 in the mail, now I'm pretty excited! No idea it could do something like this.
Awesome, look forward to seeing some of your pictures taken with it! They're bizarrely fun to use. Surprised there haven't been any movies that used them since a lot ended up showcasing Macs anyways. I watched Mission Impossible recently since they had the 5300c in it and another retro date night watching You've Got Mail with the misses because there was mention of them using the Apple Kanga in them!

Great job, the colors look beautiful!
Thanks for the kind words, I think I just lucked out with the lighting and timing really.


Oct 31, 2021
Indianapolis, IN
One more item from the list of experiments or things I wanted to try was having actual photographs of pictures taken with the QuickTakes printed from one of the photo print houses online. A small set arrived Friday evening including my latest panorama as a 4x12" metallic print. Feel like that one turned out really cool. I know that's not very big, and neither are the 2.5x3" wallet photos, but the quality of them once again exceed what I thought would have been possible with these cameras.



Staff member
Sep 5, 2021
San Francisco
One more item from the list of experiments or things I wanted to try was having actual photographs of pictures taken with the QuickTakes printed from one of the photo print houses online. A small set arrived Friday evening including my latest panorama as a 4x12" metallic print. Feel like that one turned out really cool. I know that's not very big, and neither are the 2.5x3" wallet photos, but the quality of them once again exceed what I thought would have been possible with these cameras.

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Looks great! Mind sharing where you had your prints done?