My first Battery Bombed SE30 Resurrection!

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Nov 27, 2022
I've been working on four SE/30 boards now for on and off for a few months just whenever I have a couple hours to spare.

Well Tonight I had a HUGE win on the most damaged board I've been working on which you can see here:

I would have live streamed it but my overhead light burnt out today and my new microphones are still over at a friends house. So sorry for the poor presentation but OMG it CHIMED!
Nov 27, 2022
Okay so the problem with the BlueSCSI persists and even a real harddrive exibits the same behaviour. If I try to boot off scsi I get an error code 00000000F 0000000c

Just wondering does anyone know if I be looking around the SCSI Chip itself? Or is there somewhere else I should be looking for this error?

Thanks for any advice!

EDIT: Error code disappeared after reflowing the SCSI chip and testing with another harddisk image. Everything works but the RTC.
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