You know, I don't own a single Apple II device, but I am getting this burning desire for an Apple IIe card for my Color Classic. I really would love to do a video on that. I am not, of course, willing to spend $700 on one, which seems to be the going price.
With all the SE and SE/30 Reloaded projects out there, as well as replicas of the Daystar PowerCache and Carerra040, it makes me wonder if the IIe card might not be a worthy contender for a replica, assuming it is even possible.
One of the big reasons the CC is so popular is because you get so much in such a small case. Adding IIe functionality to it would just be amazing, especially when running the main board at blazing speeds thanks to Kay Koba's Spicy O'Clock!
With all the SE and SE/30 Reloaded projects out there, as well as replicas of the Daystar PowerCache and Carerra040, it makes me wonder if the IIe card might not be a worthy contender for a replica, assuming it is even possible.
One of the big reasons the CC is so popular is because you get so much in such a small case. Adding IIe functionality to it would just be amazing, especially when running the main board at blazing speeds thanks to Kay Koba's Spicy O'Clock!