I recently embarked on creating a custom 3d printed mount that would allow me to mount my BlueSCSI device inside of a Macintosh SE's PDS Card slot!
Now this might seem pretty strange, but there are actually several benefits to using the PDS Expansion slot to mount the BlueSCSI in.
For one, it provides direct access to the BlueSCSI's SD Card slot from the back of the computer, this is really handy if your constantly writing data to the SD Card or you like to swap out the SD Card files a lot. Mounting it here also frees up your second drive bay, allowing you to install a second floppy drive or even another Hard drive in this spot. Also since actual SE PDS Cards are getting pretty rare these days, it also provides something useful to fill in the empty slot on the back of your case!
With all these benefits, I decided I'd begin the process of modeling out this bracket both for me to use personally in my own SE, but also for anyone else who wanted to install one in their system. I did the modeling in fusion 360, and went through several different design revisions until I eventually settled on the final design at this current point.
I'd also like to thank Tom Barber from the BlueSCSI team for volunteering to help with the 3D printing and prototyping side of things as I don't currently have a 3d printer of my own, so he was a massive help here.
Anyway, at this point I had the 3D Model printed by Tom and sent my way, and it was time to install it into my Macintosh SE!
The installation process went very smoothly and it mounted right into the metal bracket on the back of the case. I'd also have to remove the plastic pop out piece from the case as well. And here's it installed into the SE!
If anyone is interested in possibly using this model in their own Macintosh SE, here's a link to where you can download my 3d printable model for this bracket:
BlueSCSI Macintosh SE PDS Card Slot Bracket v14.stl