New to ST - First Purchase


Oct 28, 2021
I've been interested in the Atari ST for decades., but I know little about them. While not as difficult to find in the US as Amiga computers, I spent most of the last year biding my time waiting to find just the right unit at just the right price... last Sunday was my big day. A local seller bought a warehouse and was parting out items from inside - I picked up a pair of untested Atari 520ST, a pair of floppy drives, to PSUs, and two mice ($300). So far, this has been a journey full of surprises, so I decided to try and poke this otherwise quiet sub-forum with a bit of a vanity post and a few questions to help guide me on my way.

I have an Ultrasatan and video cables on order, I hope to have them next week. I'm itchy to get started but without the video cables, there isn't much I can do.

Unit one: Atari 520


This cleaned up unbelievably well - the case is in pristine condition, and aside from some yellowing on the keyboard, I have absolutely no complaints about this. As a bog-standard ST without an RF modulator, there's literally nothing I can do except power it on until a video cable arrives (the power light activates... and that's it). When I opened it, I found a couple of surprises:


I know enough from watching YouTubes that the center "mess" is a memory upgrade of some kind. I know they came in many different flavors. Any ideas, speculations, or advice? The paper label beneath the wires reads "Repaired 1-3-89 -REK 43,431"

The ROMs also seem to have been "touched" - I notice someone wrote sequence numbers on them, and the top one looks like a programmable aftermarket ROM, right?

Unit Two: Atari 520STfm (or is it?)


Again, an absolutely beautiful case, the interior posts are sturdy and present, the only problem I've encountered is that one of the drive posts broke off of the motherboard, but it fits just fine "floating" until the screw is fastened in place. This unit does have an RF modulator, and despite getting both the drive and power light when I power on... no screen at all. Not even a flicker or recognition from the reliable little CRT TV that I use for this sort of thing. I'll be waiting for the video cable as a secondary test, but I don't know what to expect when the time comes if I continue to have no video signal.

I took it apart to get a look at the caps and the layout was confusing me based on what I saw online - then I realized the answer was staring me right in the face - this is not an Atari ST520fm...


Again, kind of exciting to have this secret "upgrade" hiding in this case. I keep wondering, considering how beautiful this case is... do I try and find a partner to swap cases with so I can have a proper 1040STfm case? Keep it and see if I can remove and replace the label with a 1040STfm label? Or not be a spaz and just leave it well enough alone?

Oh, one other question - floppy drive cables seem priced really high at around $40 pre shipping. I get it, what the market can bear etc - but if anyone has any tips/guides to either making my own or suggest an alternative I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, I'll lean in and just spend the money on a cable.

Anyway, thanks for indulging - I'd love to hear any comments or thoughts you might have about what I should be prepared for, look into - etc. And who knows, perhaps we don't have an ST "gang" here on TinkerDifferent, that's cool too. Just testing the water.
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Reactions: Kai Robinson

Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK
Oooh nice find - very clean! They've done there what Commodore did with the Amiga 500's later on in their life. The 500+ was available, but there was still demand for the 500's, so they used 500+ boards, partly unpopulated.

That board could easily be populated with more memory to bring it up to 1MB total. For more specific goodies - you migtht want to check out the exxos store, here:

Loads of accelerators and spare parts for sale :)


New Tinkerer
Apr 8, 2022
Great stuff. Welcome to a small obsession!

Top tip: Once you have your cables and your Ultrasatan, go get Peter Putnik's HDD driver (I think he charges like 15 Euro for a licence) and then go gorge yourself on all the classic games that he has painstakingly converted to run from hard drive. You can find them here.


Oct 28, 2021
Great stuff. Welcome to a small obsession!

Top tip: Once you have your cables and your Ultrasatan, go get Peter Putnik's HDD driver (I think he charges like 15 Euro for a licence) and then go gorge yourself on all the classic games that he has painstakingly converted to run from hard drive. You can find them here.

Thank you for the link, I will be certain to do so!


New Tinkerer
Apr 20, 2022
Very nice, the original 520ST machines are my favorite in the ST line. Hopefully the RAM upgrade is still working.

I'm trying to figure out why a 1040 is missing the chips, caps and resistors for the 2nd bank of RAM. It probably really is only 512K, regardless of the motherboard silkscreen. You can install the components yourself, I've done it before to get a Mega ST2 up to ST4 status.

A good shop for ST parts and mods is the Exxos store:

GL and have fun!


Oct 28, 2021
Very nice, the original 520ST machines are my favorite in the ST line. Hopefully the RAM upgrade is still working.

I'm trying to figure out why a 1040 is missing the chips, caps and resistors for the 2nd bank of RAM. It probably really is only 512K, regardless of the motherboard silkscreen. You can install the components yourself, I've done it before to get a Mega ST2 up to ST4 status.

A good shop for ST parts and mods is the Exxos store:

GL and have fun!
Thanks! My UltraSatan arrived today and I was able to boot that 520STfm/1040board and sure enough, it is only 512Kb / TOS 1.02. Using the satan image I am able to load a few games, but most give a warning about being under 1MB, and only the simplest will run. I can't even run SYSINFO.

Quick question - on the mouse... left to right movement is fine, but pushing the mouse forward makes the cursor go down, and backward makes it go up. This mouse is in really good condition and is thoroughly cleaned. Is this an Atari thing? Or do I have some kind of strange issue happening? I have a second mouse but it's in pieces - I'm going to try and assemble it in the meantime and test that. Someone on the RMCRetro Discord confirmed for me that this is not normal behavior.

Also I realized today that I don't have a power supply for the original 520ST after all (it was a pair of power supplies for the ST314s that came in the lot). So despite finally having a video cable I can't do anything with it. I found a video about making a power supply, I might give that a shot.

In the meantime, I'm off to browse Exxos to see what I can do about the memory on the working unit!
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Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
The 500+ was available, but there was still demand for the 500's, so they used 500+ boards, partly pads.
Kai posted this reason for your unpopulated components. ATM you appear to have a pair of 520s with + upgrade in waiting. That would be my understanding anyway? Curious about that upgrade, would the memory loadout be the only differentiation?


Oct 28, 2021
Kai posted this reason for your unpopulated components. ATM you appear to have a pair of 520s with + upgrade in waiting. That would be my understanding anyway? Curious about that upgrade, would the memory loadout be the only differentiation?

I think your suspicion is correct - I found this photo reference of a C103225 board described as being from a 1040ST and it appears to be the same, only with all of the memory (first image is mine)


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