Performa 6290 power supply questions


New Tinkerer
Jul 26, 2022
I have a few questions in regards to a Performa 6290 PSU I intend on recapping which is a Dyna Corp DCF 704, not sure if they used more than one model in these units.

1: Kind of the most important, but when I took it out last night to inspect it I realized I didn't take a picture of the power in wire connectors and I'm not sure which of the brown and blue wires go where, I've read that brown should be on the hot side but I want to double check before I plug it in again. If anyone has a picture or knows which goes where that would be most appreciated.

2: The caps look fine and there's no heat damage but I do intend on recapping it regardless in the not too distant future, though I can't see all the values of the caps on it, does anyone happen to know what all the capacitors are on there so I can order everything before I start working on it?

I know these supplies are known to be pretty terrible, but this one works fine with no heat damage and I'd rather just re cap this one for now instead of hacking it up for an ATX conversion, though if need be in the future I will.


New Tinkerer
Jul 26, 2022
For the time being I would like to try and keep it original since there seems to be no heat damage nor signs of immanent failure, I might look into it for this and my Performa 630 in the future. The main thing I am after for at least the time being is a picture of the internals of one so I can double check I plugged the mains power back in correctly.


Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
Okay, @Kothnaaken, is this the one you have?
