PLAY: logos64 - A Challenging Word Game for C64 - FREE Download

Marcio D.

New Tinkerer
Oct 17, 2022
If you're in the mood for a challenging and addictive word game, please check out logos64 at:

logos64 is a C64 port of the hit game Wordle. The latest version of logos64 features:

  • A database of nearly 6,000 words.
  • Instant validation of guesses - no wait time required.
  • Two game types - the daily game or a random game.

logos64 also features cumulative statistics tracked for each player (saved to disk):

  • Total number of games played.
  • Percentage of games won.
  • Current winning streak.
  • Highest winning streak.
  • Guess distribution.

Thanks for taking a look, and have fun playing !

Marcio D.

New Tinkerer
Oct 17, 2022


Aug 30, 2022
Wow... I thought logos64 was a feat of programming genius. But you, sir, are C-R-A-Z-Y !

Would love to see you join the Vision BASIC community someday. Can only imagine the delightfully bizarre creations you'd manifest with 64K and a super-flexible BASIC at your disposal.
I like what you're trying to do with Vision BASIC, and I'm sure for more modern users looking back it's a smooth way to start playing with the platform and doing "stuff."

For me, though, I had a C64 in 1984 and I rapidly hit the limitations of things like Toolkit BASIC back in the day, and the 6502 is unusually hostile to code generators because of its small hardware stack and constrained register set. It's why I don't even bother writing in C on it. On the other hand, this makes its assembly language easy to grok because there are few moving parts.

Additionally, I do nearly as much prototyping on a real 128DCR as I do in VICE. This is where Vision BASIC's REU requirement becomes a liability even though more devices these days offer REU emulation.

For me, if it's not going to be straight-up BASIC (which I really use as a scripting language, tbh), it's going to be hand-written assembly. But I know other folks would find that tedious, so I'm glad you've put so much time into Vision BASIC to make it a useful platform for those people. :)