PLI Turbo Floppy 1.44 for the Macintosh - SCSI Floppy


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
I recently (well not so recently now) picked up a PLI (Peripheral Lands, Inc) Trubo Floppy 1.44 for the Macintosh. Made a low offer and it was accepted on the bay.


This is an interesting device as unlike other SCSI floppy devices - like the IOmega Floptical - it requires no driver to work on the and can boot from 1.44mb floppies. That means you can use it on a Plus or SE or other non-Superdrive Macintosh computers.

Booting From a System 7 Disk on my PowerBook 170 (just what I had setup on my test bench at the time):

Identifies as a DISK type - (ID5) - which is a bit odd - thought it would be a removable:

It uses a run of the mill PC Floppy drive so no 800k support (though 720k should work, haven't tested yet)

But where this gets really interesting is in the way it works - there are 2 ROMs chips on the floppy to scsi adapter board (which I've dumped) that contain a SCSI Driver and Apple Partition headers - well one does - the other one is 99% blank besides a PLI vendor string. This means if we can extract and craft the Partition in such a way we could inject it into a disk - a BlueSCSI could boot a 1.44 Macintosh Floppy image!

While that is cool - there really isn't a TON of benefit here besides academic - you could just as easily create a 1.44mb HFS HDD image and get the same results.

What I need your help in is to find some sort of copy protected 1.44 disk image that would only work from a "real" floppy/floppy drive to test if there's any benefit to perusing this further!

Note I'm only talking about 1.44 disks now - but once we get the drive/driver working in emulation we could likely adjust the size for 800k disks.

The last interesting part here is there seems to be copy protection on the ROMs themselves - after they load the Floppy driver into memory it blanks out all the driver/partition data - so when you try to do a raw read of the SCSI device where the disk driver and partition would be - it's just a bunch of `0xF6`

Interesting? Yes! Any real practical use? Who knows. But that's not why we're here - we're here to tinker :)

Lastly I'd really like to find the manual as well - I haven't been able to determine the correct way to swap disks.


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New Tinkerer
Dec 25, 2022
This is interesting because it’s very similar to the 2.88mb “PLI SuperFloppy” which they made for the NeXT. Also SCSI, in the same kind of case, but in black and with a design that matched NeXT peripherals. The use case was for NeXT Cubes, after the introduction of the NeXTStations which had floppy disks. A bunch of software started to ship on floppys, which would have left Cube owners out in the cold without this product. There’s a thread on it over here.

A few notes on the SuperFloppy:

1) It works with 1.44 and 2.88 (Extended Density) disks, as actual NextStation floppy drives did.

2) The drive inside appears to be a Sony model which — just like 2.88 drives in the NeXTStation and some IBM PS/2’s — combined data and power into one cable. Interestingly PLI included an unused floppy power cable on the board — I wonder if this part was shared with the 1.44-based TurboFloppy?

3) I vaguely remember the SuperFloppy being marketed as Mac-compatible. Will check the docs, which I also have.

Would the ROMs from a SuperFloppy be helpful to you?