Post your desk!

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.


Oct 31, 2021
Here's my "lab" space for WIP type stuff. My wife is very understanding of this hobby and allows my mess in this room of the house, but I have to admit sometimes I've been guilty of spilling out into other rooms!



Active Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Fort Mill, SC
Not my work table, but this was my setup a while back. Ended up being a little too crowded, so I've narrowed it down to just 4 machines up top, ready for use. Planning on swapping the SE for my Mystic Color Classic once I finish the upgrades (so far I've recapped the 575 logic board, added a 64MB stick of memory, replaced the fan, and added 70ns video RAM; need to retrobright, do the VGA mod, and I've received my spicy o'clock from @Kay K.M.Mods ). Also will likely swap in my PowerMac G5. I really would love to have an ADC switch to allow me to have one ADC monitor /keyboard/mouse to switch between my PowerMac G3-G5s.


Feb 7, 2022
Currently Duvall, WA
A bit crowded, still no Apple II action (//e is still in the closet), and one of the Macs isn't on, because it shares its keyboard, mouse, and monitor with the IIci currently.

L-R: mid-2010 MBP, running OS X 10.9.5; SE dual FDHD, running System 7.5.1 and sitting atop the Centris 650, which runs System 7.6; IIci, running System 7 Pro; and B&W G3/400, running System 9.2.2 (yeah, yeah, I know it's actually Mac OS 9.2.2, but...).


Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA

This is about as neat as the Hack Hutch has been in quite some time, so it's hidden behind the temporary desk setup. :p

TLDR: Bare concrete is courtesy of the landlord's water heater, desk setup should be on the left of the rack. In moving bedroom to master suite my main display appears to have died so I'm using the articulated 42" HDTV.

Pic is my fairly recent soldering station purchase. 50"x16" damaged top half of double decker that's currently set up as AI8 workstation for illustrating my insane notions for tinkering with ancient Macintosh architectures. QS'02 went on the fritz and MDD's balking at setup process, so the Lombard I never wanted is where it's at.

New display should arrive today! Will update, setup morphing whilst moving everything from room to room for carpet replacement has been an ongoing project since the catastrophic flood for the past 10 months. Hopefully I've got enough documentation for a time lapse thread. :rolleyes:


Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
What's a trophy? Found a before pic of main setup, KVM'd for OS9 AI work, Win10 Notebook and Win98se playtime on Clonish cased Dell Dimension.


Pre-flood, heavily tinkered extending/pivot mount setup of 42" panel pointed out toward bed for movies, over to Hack Hutch for playtime over to workstation for reference displayed from Notebook.
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Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
Oh, what a difference a FedEx delivery makes! 🤪


Pic on screen shows what I bought that BigAss toolbox topper for, note the two ground connections to internal power strip. Hot Air Rework Station, Soldering junk and tools on a drawer slider extended work surface. Roll it back in and drop the lid, what mess was that sweetheart?


Yes, I have a thing for Mid-Century Modern Teak. Bedroom set is the same, all thrifted at local Goodwill.


Rack extension with cutout panel allows articulated TV support I mentioned to fold back upon itself for use through a 270 degree arc. Here it's pointed at the Hack Hutch where a VGA->HDMI converter feeds whatever I want from VGA inputs to the screen. Extron Scaler converts oddball RGB resolutions at it over HDMI in 1:1 scale windows on the 1080p field. Works for SE B&W Radius TPD output etc. as well.

I think I'm about done in for the day. Sorry about the explanations, figured a radically in flux setup play by play might be needed.

edit: forgot to mention that big, stainless bound cutting board full of tools. It's mounted eccentrically on a Lazy Susan so it spins pretty far out over the work surface for easy access and back into the hutch to clear the flip up desktop.

Also note the shallow Unistrut sections bolted up to the Telco Rack's posts with crazy stuff bolted up to both sides and just bolts extending out for hanging all kinds of crap on it.

edit: after a three hour nap and some dinner, I horsed the Craftsman re-Workstation into my old bedroom with the other two setups.


LED fixture will be affixed to the pop-top at some point. Workbench and another HackStation out in the living room, but flood victimized ATM.
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Feb 7, 2022
Currently Duvall, WA

As of a few days ago.

L-R: PowerMac G4 DA 466 512/120G config shown running 9.2.2; Quadra 950 136/2.1G/CD (runs 7.5, but not on, since, it shares the monitor and input devices with the IIfx); IIfx 8/500 shown running 7.6.1; Late 2011 MBP 2.4GHz 16G/1T, running 10.9.5. IIci, Q650, and SE are in the closet for now. IIgs sits on my dresser, along with my stereo gear.

I did move things around a bit since then, partly because I needed to fix some things on the Q950, and to make things less cluttered.
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Active Tinkerer
May 15, 2022
the United States
Here’s some of mine.

1. The main desk. On the right, my main laptop, currently closed. On top and open is my modded ThinkPad T430 with my website code up. To the left of that I’ll usually have a couple of my vintage laptops out. Right now it’s my Compaq LTE Elite 4/75CX and my WinBook FX.


Here is my Mac desktop desk, which houses my LC III, IIsi (dead right now), and my 7100. AEK, ADB Mouse II, and an ill suited dell monitor. Also has space if I move the KB over to for a PowerBook for a pretty nice all-around Mac desk.


The work table, which is just as messy as you’d expect.


The desktop corner, which is in bad need of reorganization.


And of course, the laptop shelves.