Restoring the Apple II Keyboard (Datanetics 01-0551-0)

The keyboard on an Apple II Plus I aquirred was in dire need of a restoration.

Full model of this keyboard is Datanetics 01-0551-01 Rev B, which is the 2nd keyboard to be made for the Apple II (original one was model 01-0425).

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I started with the keycaps. I gave them a good wash in soapy water, these were the dirtiest keys I've ever seen. I gave them several good rinses at first in hot soapy water, then let them sit in the water for a couple hours before taking them out to wipe with a cloth. Image from first rinse:

Next, I noticed the keys were quite scratched and needed a polish. There's lots of products you can use, but I just used a cloth and window cleaner and polished each key for several seconds, which made an amazing improvement. Here's the before and after pic of the shift key.


Lastly for the keycaps, I noticed these keys had a brown shade to them and the text itself was very yellowed, this was not the original color of the keys. I decided to give them a quick 30 minute retobright submerged in 3% hydrogen peroxide. It made a huge improvement and returned the keys to the original dark beige color.

Next it was time to look at the main keyboard board. I first put clear scotch tape over all the stamps on the back of the keyboard so they wouldn't wash off. I then gave the keyboard a good wash submerged in water. I made sure to press each key at least 100 times to try and get all the debris out of inside the switches.
I let the keyboard sit for an hour to get the majority of the water out. I then sprayed lots of 99% IPA inside each key while pressing each key another 100 times to make sure I get all the water out as well as any remaining debris. This is what the process looked like.

Once the keys dried out, I used a multimeter to go though each switch to read the resistance when the key is pressed. There were still 2 keys that showed opened circuit when pressed, as well as a couple keys showing 10Ω ~ 80Ω I sprayed some contact cleaner in these keys followed by a lot more IPA until I got under 2 ohms for all the keys (most were under 1 ohm) . I set the keyboard aside and checked again several days later. There were several keys that read over 2 ohms, I gave them another final IPA rinse.


Here is the before and after of the back of the keyboard. You can see all the original flux washed off, but I managed to keep all the markings by using the tape to cover them up.


There was one electrolytic capacitor on the encoder board, 1uF 50volts. I've replaced it with a tantalum one (173D105X9050VWE3) so that I won't need to worry about it going bad.

On a hunch, I checked the bottom of the board for any cold solder. After taking a closer look with a microscope, there were indeed bad joints. I only found them on the bottom side of the long pins, all others were ok. I applied some flux and fresh soldier to all the pins.
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I checked the bulb under the power button, and it was burned out. It runs on 5v, a replacement one can be found on Mouser made by VCC, model 683. The replacement bulb legs are a bit long, a trim was needed.
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Last is the power keycap. The text "Power" was very faded. After giving it a good cleaning, the text came completely off.
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I decided to use the transfer method described here and here to restore the text. I first printed the "POWER" text onto transfer paper using a laser printer. I put a dotted boarder so it would be easy to get the text centered on the key.
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The power button came out pretty well on my first try. However the transfer glue I used didn't pick up all the ink, and the protective finish spray I used didn't have the right texture finish. I recently found an eBay seller who had one of these, so I just ordered a replacement and it's is in the mail now.

After connecting keyboard back up, I found one issue where the spacebar would sometimes type two or three spaces at a time. After some troubleshooting and a closer inspection, I found that it was caused by a cold soldier joint!.
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All the pressing of the spacebar over the years caused the joint to crack. I went back and re-soldered every single joint from the keyboard switches to ensure that I don't get any additional issues with them anytime soon.

Here is the keyboard after placing the keys back in, all ready to go for my Apple II Plus.


  • Apple II Keyboard Varities.pdf
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