SE/30 - SCSI Bus and Floppy Bus not working

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New Tinkerer
Oct 22, 2024
St. Louis, MO
Hey there,

I've had a random, sudden issue with my Macintosh SE/30. The SCSI bus and Floppy bus don't seem to be working properly. I've been using a BlueSCSI in place of a hard drive for a while and everything was working perfectly. I took the BlueSCSI out to update the firmware and when I tried to boot from it, the BlueSCSI wasn't getting any power. Powering it with the Molex connector works. I tried another BlueSCSI and same issue. Further, I also noticed that the floppy drive doesn't work anymore either. I tried my FloppyEmu and the Emu gets power and I can choose a disk to load, but selected a disk does nothing. I'm not sure what could have happened. I checked the logic board and it looks fine.

Can anyone tell me if they've encountered this problem?


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
I'd start with the basics - check the power rails and ensure the 5v is close to what it should be. Check continuity of the termpower line and the voltage of it. Reseat all cables. Visually inspect the cables and chips on the board. Share some pictures as someone might see something as well.