SE/30 won't boot from internal SCSI

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New Tinkerer
Mar 24, 2025
Hi all,
New at posting here but reading the forum has helped me resolve many issues, so hopefully someone will have an idea what could be causing this problem. I'm working on my first SE/30 repair. So far I've recapped the logic board - which restored sound, recapped the analog board - which resolved an issue where the screen would only display a single, bright vertical line, and re-soldered the analog board solder joints - which resolved a screen flickering issue. This SE/30 came with a working original Quantum 40 MB drive, and it booted to that drive just fine up until I tried to replace the ROM. At that point, booting up would get to the "Welcome to Macintosh" screen, then I would get an error that the system file had corrupted. Thinking perhaps the hard drive was on it's way out, I replaced it with a BlueSCSI that I was going to install anyway. With the BlueSCSI installed, I get the flashing "?" icon.
  • The replacement ROM is from Garrett's Workshop - a GW4402B - GW4420B Manual.
  • Taking the new ROM out and putting back in the original makes no difference, I still get the flashing "?".
  • The BlueSCSI log indicates the hard drive image is being found and loaded with no errors.
  • If I boot up using Floppy Emu with "Disk Utilities" loaded, I can see, access, test, update and repair the BlueSCSI, but I still get the flashing "?" when I restart.
  • I tried to install System 7.5.3 onto the BlueSCSI manually from the disk images using Floppy Emu. The install completes but I still get the flashing "?" when I restart.
  • I replaced the BlueSCSI with the original hard drive again and tried to initialize and clean install System 7.1, and I got the error that the system file is corrupt again.
I posted a video to YouTube showing that I can boot up with Disk Utilities and see/access/repair the BlueSCSI drive, but I continue to get the flashing "?":
I took some shots of the logic board showing the SCSI controller area:

This would seem to be some sort of hardware issue, right? To me, the logic board and traces look like they're in good shape, so I really have no idea what's going on.


Feb 17, 2022
This is very strange… Did you already try some „known working“ BlueSCSI image? Is the BlueSCSI terminated? You could also try to set the startup disk and then restart.

The original HD is no longer connected?


New Tinkerer
Mar 24, 2025
This is very strange… Did you already try some „known working“ BlueSCSI image? Is the BlueSCSI terminated? You could also try to set the startup disk and then restart.

The original HD is no longer connected?
Hi - thanks for taking a look! I did try a BlueSCSI pre-made image with the same result. The BlueSCSI is terminated but I did not enable the "BACK_FEED" jumper. I should add this is the BlueSCSI v2 desktop. The original HD is not connected - I've only connected one or the other. I'll try to select a startup disk.