Service Source collection up on my website!


Active Tinkerer
May 15, 2022
the United States
Hello all!
I've just pushed an update to my website, MacDat, which among other things includes a large collection of nearly 1GB of Apple Service Source repair manuals. These were mostly pretty easy to find. The majority were up on applerepairmanuals, but there are a few missing that I had to go hunt for, and it's also organized quite poorly in various areas, so I figured it couldn't hurt to spend a couple days organizing all these and getting them up.
I haven't done any of the printers or scanners yet, but that aside, I have most of the service source documentation I could find up now.

Anyone feel free to download, mirror, reupload here to resources, whatever. Main point of this is so that these things can be found easier. There's a lot of really useful information in those documents!